Um, we were able to lock our dorm room doors from the outside at NYU. Because when no one was in the room, our stuff was otherwise fair game, you know?
Sure, you can lock every door from the outside. You usually can't lock someone in when you're doing that, though. For instance, if you went out, when your roomie was asleep, and you locked the door, your roomie wasn't stuck, was she?
For instance, if you went out, when your roomie was asleep, and you locked the door, your roomie wasn't stuck, was she?
When do I get my brains back again? When all three children are grown and gone? Because that's a long time to wait...
I am
psyched about the idea of scrapping longer mysteries in favor of standalone eps.
an even more vague Heroes reference
It's not a spoiler if you've heard any of the promos.
Okay, Rob makes a reference to [about perceptions of the show, not the plot] the awful Entertainment Weekly review. What review is this? I thought the show was still adored by the critics . Anyone?
Hee. Yeah, that was fun times. It's mostly notable for being a major publication that steadfastly complained about the resolution to the rape mystery. Yes, this professional critic who writes television reviews thought the arc was over last week.
It is adored, but the asshat thought 3.08 was the last episode in the rape arc, in other words--thought the resolution was Chip getting raped and the fems shrugging.
Off what Jon said, I'd like to see short mysteries, but not weekly ones, because honestly, I don't think the writers are that good with coming up with the stand alones.
I'm thinking I'd enjoy a lot of two and three parters, with maybe the occasional 4 parter. It doesn't sound like that's on the menu, but I think it's time to bring back the old, "To be continued..."
I'm not interested in watching Veronica Mars She Wrote. Give me 3-5 ep length mysteries.
The door thing is simple -- Mercer and or Moe swapped out the standard dorm lock in favor of one that you can lock(/unlock) on both sides with a key. So all that Moe had to do to lock V. in was take the key that stays in the inside lock out, lock it from the outside, and there she was.
I don't like the idea of stand alone episodes. I would rather have the whole season arcs back with more stand alone subplots.