I think I missed something. What was the plot twist?
Maybe "plot twist" is the wrong word. I meant that it was a surprise twist that Mercer had an accomplice. We were never led to believe that the rapes were perpetrated by more than one culprit. So when Moe (who was kind of fishy from the start -- to us, if not to Veronica) turned out to be the person Veronica ran into, it was a real a-ha! moment.
From what I understand, the rape for which Logan provided Mercer with the Mexico alibi happened during the summer -- that victim was Nancy. There were a couple of interpretations as to how that was possible. Either 1) Nancy was another one of the fake rapes, which seems likely as the feminists looked guilty when Veronica accused them of faking more than just Claire's rape, or 2) Nancy's was a real rape and Mercer ran a taped recording of the show during the crime, callers and all, which Veronica realized when Mercer's show was playing during the party despite the fact that Mercer was actually *at* the party.
2) Nancy's was a real rape and Mercer ran a taped recording of the show during the crime, callers and all
But... he was in... Mexico... with Logan?
Also, I keep hearing the name Nancy, but who is she? Does she have any other attributes than "person who may or may not have been raped while Mercer was in Mexico?"
See, I'm clear on Claire, but I'm with Nora -- who the hell is Nancy?
Also, I'm embarrassed that I didn't realize the picture of Moe and Mercer in Moe's room featured them in the prisoner experiment garb. Some stuff passes by too quickly for my little brain.
But... he was in... Mexico... with Logan?
Heh. Yeah, I think it's more likely that the rape that occurred while Mercer was in Mexico was faked. That second theory really doesn't hold water when I look at it again.
I actually don't remember anything about Nancy -- but other people elsewhere (in LJ) mentioned that she was the girl who claimed rape while Mercer was in Mexico. Was she tight with Nish and co.? I can't recall if we've ever seen her.
I heard a definite glitch (a tape slowdown, I think) on Mercer's show which is what set Veronica's "a-ha" off.
I actually don't remember anything about Nancy -- but other people elsewhere (in LJ) mentioned that she was the girl who claimed rape while Mercer was in Mexico. Was she tight with Nish and co.? I can't recall if we've ever seen her.
Was she the one who was mentioned as having been raped during the radio show debate with the lampoon guys, or was that Claire?
Also, was Mercer in Mexico or doing his show when Parker got raped?
I heard a definite glitch (a tape slowdown, I think) on Mercer's show which is what set Veronica's "a-ha" off.
Yeah, that's what I thought I heard too.
so, was Mercer in Mexico or doing his show when Parker got raped?
Doing the show... I think that's the first date VM investigated when looking at the logs.
so, was Mercer in Mexico or doing his show when Parker got raped?
Doing the show... I think that's the first date VM investigated when looking at the logs.
Oooh. OK, now it makes sense in my head. So Mercer had a double-alibi -- in Mexico with Logan when Nancy faked her rape, and allegedly doing the show when Parker got raped.
I thought Veronica realized that Mercer's show was on and taking callers literally moments after speaking to him, and thus his radio show wasn't necessarily an alibi-- but I am a little confused still.
As soon as Mercer walked off to do his show, I knew he was the rapist (before the tape audio glitch tipped off Veronica). I'd always wondered why Veronica was so quick to listen to Piz when he so quickly dismissed the idea that Mercer would have taped a call-in request show, so I've been suspicious, but his alibis were always sort of botched, and that distracted me from judging whether or not they were legit.
What didn't work was more to do with the August 13th/Tijuana alibi. I mean, clearly, the rape reported on that date was one of the faked ones. That resonates well with the charge Veronica levied at Nish, Claire and Fern, last week, but it was still messy, for me.
Why August, first of all? We had no indication that any of our returning characters would have been on campus much before the show premiered, since Piz was moving his stuff in, in episode 3.1, and Veronica was calling it her first day. Yet here we have Logan, a commuting freshman, who just happens to know a returning student -- Mercer -- and knows him well enough to be in Tijuana with him, before he (Logan) even started attending Hearst? Okay, there can be explanations for that. It's not like it's impossible, it's just cheap, imo.
Then, we don't even find out who faked the rape on August 13. Did we? I mean, we're assuming it's Nancy, but did we ever get a name of which woman reported a rape on August 13th? I mean, that's a pretty big ass deal, not only faking a rape, but faking
rape that ended up giving the actual rapist an alibi Veronica Mars would accept, in an episode where her trust was at an all-time low.
I just sort of feel like they decided to give Mercer a fake alibi, without doing the work of constructing one we could scrutinize. It was like
::hand wave hand wave August off screen rape and fake, to boot::
On top of that, having the 11:00pm show/11:45 rape confusion, which I still think must have been a continuity error (otherwise either Veronica, or certainly Lamb should have noticed the time, and not believed the radio gig as an alibi) just left a bland taste in my mouth, even though it was a pretty exciting episode, and arc.
t ranty pants
Who makes a continuity error on the damned timing of the actual culprit's second fake alibi?
Why August, first of all? We had no indication that any of our returning characters would have been on campus much before the show premiered, since Piz was moving his stuff in, in episode 3.1, and Veronica was calling it her first day. Yet here we have Logan, a commuting freshman, who just happens to know a returning student -- Mercer -- and knows him well enough to be in Tijuana with him, before he (Logan) even started attending Hearst?
This bothered me too, but I was unsure at my memory of it being in August.