I don't think I've ever hated a VM character. I mean, even Madison, and Carrie Bishop, et al, add to the flavor.
I wasn't sorry to see Duncan go, because I just don't think he worked out, but I was glad he got to go out the way he did, and take his baby with him, and later avenge Lilly's death.
to be fair, she did post the poll link in the v_m comm and there are plenty of morons living there.
I do not know this "LJ" of which you speak, but sheesh.
To be fair to them, they may have been taking the Piz.
Someone in greenqueen's LJ called me a hater, in the comments. Well, that's overdramatising it. She called people who suspect Piz haters. It made me laugh. And laugh. And laugh. I needed to feel young, today.
Oh, now I so hope Piz is the culprit. 'Cause that would be funny!
Wouldn't it just? Before, I was feeling mean and bad for suspecting Piz (who is kind of a hunny bunny). Now I'm all like, "Nail that bastard!"
tiggy, by the way, I'm pretty sure it
the same person. [link] [link] Same birthday. It seems they both are antipodeans. And I see some familiar names on the LJ profile. Ha. I should freak her out, but I won't, because I'm not a h8teR.
Who is Moe again?
I swear, I only missed one episode. Then again, I'm having a hard time keeping track of my kids these days.
I should freak her out, but I won't, because I'm not a h8teR.
I'll just hate all the humans, which is no different than any other day, anyhow.
I swear, I only missed one episode. Then again, I'm having a hard time keeping track of my kids these days.
Moe's the tea-sipping, Battlestar Galactica watching R.A. whose life was changed by the sociology experiment.
Oh, the R.A. Right. I knew that. I think I never made note of his name.
I'll just hate all the humans, which is no different than any other day, anyhow.
That's philosophical, and quite apart from praxis.
Dean O'Dell: Ed Begley Jr.
Prof. Landry: Mr. Murty on GH/Some teacher on JoA
Tim, the TA: Lucky, last season
Moe, the RA (with the tea, and the frak, and the glayvin, where glayvin = RAPE): Not the stooge.
Veronica: pretty blonde lead
Keith (her father): Elliot from Just Shoot Me
Harmony Chase: Bastard She-Demon Spawn of ME fem-slash, or Maya, from Just Shoot Me
Logan: the one that makes you do that thing with your mouth that the boys like
Prof Landry was the principal at Joan's school.
Vice Principal, I believe. Price.
Ah, Joan, how I loved thee.