Someone in greenqueen's LJ called me a hater, in the comments. Well, that's overdramatising it. She called people who suspect Piz haters. It made me laugh. And laugh. And laugh. I needed to feel young, today.
Oh, now I so hope Piz is the culprit. 'Cause that would be funny!
Wouldn't it just? Before, I was feeling mean and bad for suspecting Piz (who is kind of a hunny bunny). Now I'm all like, "Nail that bastard!"
tiggy, by the way, I'm pretty sure it
the same person. [link] [link] Same birthday. It seems they both are antipodeans. And I see some familiar names on the LJ profile. Ha. I should freak her out, but I won't, because I'm not a h8teR.
Who is Moe again?
I swear, I only missed one episode. Then again, I'm having a hard time keeping track of my kids these days.
I should freak her out, but I won't, because I'm not a h8teR.
I'll just hate all the humans, which is no different than any other day, anyhow.
I swear, I only missed one episode. Then again, I'm having a hard time keeping track of my kids these days.
Moe's the tea-sipping, Battlestar Galactica watching R.A. whose life was changed by the sociology experiment.
Oh, the R.A. Right. I knew that. I think I never made note of his name.
I'll just hate all the humans, which is no different than any other day, anyhow.
That's philosophical, and quite apart from praxis.
Dean O'Dell: Ed Begley Jr.
Prof. Landry: Mr. Murty on GH/Some teacher on JoA
Tim, the TA: Lucky, last season
Moe, the RA (with the tea, and the frak, and the glayvin, where glayvin = RAPE): Not the stooge.
Veronica: pretty blonde lead
Keith (her father): Elliot from Just Shoot Me
Harmony Chase: Bastard She-Demon Spawn of ME fem-slash, or Maya, from Just Shoot Me
Logan: the one that makes you do that thing with your mouth that the boys like
Prof Landry was the principal at Joan's school.
Vice Principal, I believe. Price.
Ah, Joan, how I loved thee.
Price! That's it. The second season DVDs will FINALLY be out on November 28th. Amazon has them up for pre-ordering, with a price guarantee. [link]