I wouldn't assume the police didn't get the evidence. The last episode was teeming with subplot; I don't know where they would have fit a throwaway scene calling off the sheriff department's investigation of that rape in particular.
I figured if they showed Veronica further investigating (and finding out it's her BF) that there would be room (and should be room) to mention if she's alone in this investigation or Lamb has similar info.
Neighbor's Girlfriend: "Something's happened to him. He's in trouble."
Piz and the R.A. turn to look at Veronica.
If it was just Piz, it would have been nothing. Even a little annoying. But both of them? Classic.
Anyone think the Neighbor's Girlfriend is going to be the next rape victim?
Yes, and that's why the R.A. gives me a wiggins, all of a sudden.
WTF was up in that scene with Vinnie, blackmail aside? Why is Keith being coy about Kendall being dead? Wouldn't that be a matter of public record? Did I miss something about her body not being there?
Also, did the Fitzpatrick who offed his brother take the pen? Otherwise, I think it would be evidence along with the other Fitzpatrick's body (or was that not found either)?
Crap. I missed the first 20 minutes because my TiVo failed to change the channel. Anyone wants to recap it briefly for me? I came around the time Vinne was blackmailing Keith, and wahhh! I hate that Vinne has something hanging over Keith's head. Makes me want to go take a shower or something.
Veronica's hair is ATROCIOUS.
I want a girl I have a huge, mostly unrequited crush on to sleep in my roommate's bed and walk around in cute little boxers and T-shirts.
Gee, you think the EXTREME CLOSE-UP on her soda when she walked away means something???
Dear god, someone put an anvil in her drink!!!
And EW -- *PIZ* is the rapist?!? He knew she'd be in the food court, and he knew she'd be coming back to Wallace's room.
Oh, Piz. Your morals are as lame as your name.