IAmNotReallyASpring, first up, I have to say your board name delights me, whenever I see it. The phrase itself, the caps...it just makes me smile.
As for your question, I think it's a good one. Veronica's not a hero, and it's not a hero-story, so I'm not sure how much of a comeuppance she'll get. She seems to get bitten on the ass in other ways, although sometimes she gets bitten because of the assumptions she makes.
In general though, she does bad things, in service of what she thinks is a good cause (which often is, but not always). She seems inclined to be an ends-justify-the-means thinker. I think she is like this, in part, because in her world the system is so broken. She does leave collateral damage in her wake.
Aside from the last vengeance-quest (filling the bellhop's trunk with the hotel supplies), and one of the earliest (where she commissioned the bong and planted it in Logan's locker), when else has she been vengeful? I'm not denying she has been. Those are the only two incidents that I can think of, right now.
Just watched "Drinking The Kool-Aid," "An Echolls Family Christmas," and the one after that with the E string rapist/Madison and Mac/ Lamb and Keith- FIGHTING CRIME! Mumble mouthed Leo! I prepared myself this time and actually got all of his lines, which were hilarious! "I'm just trying to cover all fantasy bases."
Primo, primo, most excellent, awesome stuff. The actual style of the filming seems to have changed a LOT. Like, I noticed that there were some cool jump cuts (which I thought suited what was going on very well) and other visual stuff. And of course, the blue tinted water colored memory flashback style.
Primo, primo, most excellent, awesome stuff. The actual style of the filming seems to have changed a LOT. Like, I noticed that there were some cool jump cuts (which I thought suited what was going on very well) and other visual stuff. And of course, the blue tinted water colored memory flashback style.
That's because Victor Hammer went to MNIE after the first season. We miss him.
the one after that with the E string rapist/Madison and Mac/ Lamb and Keith- FIGHTING CRIME!
Silence of the Lamb. man, i miss season one. AEFC was when i became an absolute nut about this show.
Funnily enough, I didn't think much of AEFC when it first aired. I still find this funny.
YTYKS was when I went over the line, I think.
The Wrath of Con made me fall in love. not because of the MotW, which was eh. it was all about the flashbacks.
YTYKS was when I went over the line, I think.
Same here. I really liked the pilot and subsequent episodes didn't disappoint me, but the one-two-three punch of 1) that super-ow confrontation between Keith and Veronica and the reconciliation afterward (I just bawled at the birthday cake scene -- man, I'm getting teary just thinking about it), 2) the clever twist of the Troy plot, and 3) The Postal Service's "Such Great Heights" playing in that last series of scenes and Veronica missing Lianne's call really got to me. That episode had such a perfect mix of wit and heart.
I'm coming around to S3 (the last couple of eps were quite good), but I still miss S1 as the One Perfect Season.
That's because Victor Hammer went to MNIE after the first season. We miss him.
Yes. I do miss that. It really worked with the whole noir style.
That was a most excellent morning on the couch. I'm tempted to pop another VM disk in but really I have so many Buffy and Angel seasons I'm never watching, I think I'm going to lean that way....
Hooray random days off from work!
Meet John Smith
was the episode that made officially made me a fan, though I really liked the first two episodes. The comedy, drama, and mystery was all brilliantly blended. Although the ending of YTYKS would've hooked me if I wasn't a fan yet. You know, I find it's usually the third episode of a show that hooks me. Maybe that's just how long it takes for me to decide how much I really like it.
You know, I find it's usually the third episode of a show that hooks me. Maybe that's just how long it takes for me to decide how much I really like it.
This is why I try to give each new show at least three viewings before I give up. Of course, my hatred of Calista Flockhart meant that
Brothers and Sisters
didn't even get that far.
barely made it.