Concur, with the "Waitaminnit, if it were Dick, he would have been caught by now." The shavey-rapist has forethought and planning, which Dick really really does not.
I don't think Piz is going to turn Veronica's head. I think he's going to pine for Veronica while Mac deals with the whole "my last boyfriend was a psycho!" stuff.
Also, I want to know what the deal is with his name being Piz. What is that short for??
I've decided it's short for Pizanski.
Don't know why.
Also the hackeysack scene had me laughing LIKE A LOON.
"It's a white man's game."
Heeee. I think it's "sport," but I loved that scene as well.
I've decided it's short for Pizanski.
Don't know why.
It's short for Piznarski. He's named after the director of the pilot, Mark Piznarski.
Reading back through the comments before the broadcast...who was the TA? Why was he wearing a wig?
The TA is played by James Jordan, who played Lucky. I knew they were bringing him back because Rob was so impressed with his acting skillz, so I immediately recognized all the hair as a disguise.
Oh, I thought people were implying Lucky was the professor...or something. That wig needs to go; he looks nast.
So I was close, in that it begins with a Piz has an n and a k and ends in i.
The rapes started the previous year. So I always assumed a college student (or students) was doing them the whole time. Which would probably leave Dick out of it.
I would think even if Dick did this one he wasn't last year's rapist.
I would think even if Dick did this one he wasn't last year's rapist.
But while I could see him raping Parker, I still don't see him shaving her head.
I keep getting flashes of "Parker is a Poophead" from S4 Buffy, with this new character name. Dang it.
I keep getting flashes of "Parker is a Poophead" from S4 Buffy, with this new character name. Dang it.
For no good reason, I kept wondering if it was a shoutout. Especially since both Parkers are into, in different ways, getting laid.
Also, I'm very interested to see how Mac and Veronica behave next episode, since they both know they've made a lot of comments about Parker's revolving door, and "tip jar," et al.