Is is possible Kendall had fake evidence implicating Veronica and Logan in Aaron's death?
But why would she? Especially since she wasn't trying to get herself off the hook, and she has to know she's not getting blackmail money out of Keith, who doesn't have any. Plus, she doesn't need it at the moment.
Maybe it's got something to do with the breaking and entering that Keith did to Kendall's house? Something to do with her and the Fitzpatricks and the hard drive he stole? Possibly Veronica's safety in Neptune?
But if that's so, then what's in it for Kendall? Unless she's trying to get out from under the Fitzpatrick's and the hard drive has what she needs?
Other than than I'm at a loss.
But now that Aaron's dead, how would it matter? And she certainly wouldn't be admitting her part in the execution, if in fact she was in on the plot.
No. I agree--that is, don't think it would. At least, I don't think anything Aaron-y would prompt Keith to strand Veronica. If I didn't say so in that post, I must have said it in something I posted earlier this morning. I was just trying to get a complete list of all things Kendall is involved in, before whittling it down to what's likely.
Honestly, since Keith knows how destroyed Veronica was, just a couple of days prior, spending the whole night thinking he was dead, I think they're *really* going to have to sell me on whatever was keeping him, or I'm just going to have to do a lot of handwaving, which I will gladly do, because I love the show enough to indulge cheap tricks from time to time.
But if that's so, then what's in it for Kendall? Unless she's trying to get out from under the Fitzpatrick's and the hard drive has what she needs?
Other than than I'm at a loss.
Okay. I went looking for something else on YouTube, and ran across this: [link]
It's all Logan/Veronica schmoopy moments, set to the Penguins' classic,
Earth Angel.
I laughed my ass off at the EXTREME asdfjkl;qwerty of it all. It's pure corn. It's pure OTP!!!!!!!eleventy schmoop. It's so bad it is Teh Awesome.
Bonus: Wee SMG's Burger King Commercial: [link]
Chlamydia is also rarely symptomatic in men, so unless Duncan and the Beav were tested for it, they probably wouldn't know that they have it.
It's actually more likely to cause symptoms in men than in women. (And yeah, you were confusing it with HPV, which is the one that's not held easily at bay by the Trojan Man. Most of the rest of the STI crew, including Captain C, aren't so fortunate as the Wonder Wart.)
I'm just trying to decide if Duncan would be more or less likely to catch it, if/since he was there right after Beaver.
According to the Australian public health site FAQ, just as likely, as it's a rapidly-spreading bacteria that's eager to travel and see new places.
Thanks, Plei. I remember it's the big culprit for PID and PID-related fertility issues. Nasty little bugger.
Did no one watch the LoVe cornschmoopcorn video, or is no one admitting it?
I considered it, but that would have involved putting on my headphones.
It's bookmarked for later use.
I just watched it.
Gorgeous schmoop! The motel balcony moment! Logan in his rumpled tux, tie undone!
I'll just be over here, shipping.
I have an extreme fondness for the corn syrupy goodness of 50s Doo-wop, anyhow. That I can crack up while being all sort of l/v 4eva just...I may never watch anything else, ever again.
I'm with you, Amy. I've been a rational l/v shipper for the last two seasons. I think rationality went out the window with the roof scene, the couch pieta scene, and the hallway kisses. I kept wishing Logan would show up in the final scene, saying, "Your dad just gave me his ticket. He has a big case. Let's go to NY."
It's sad what this ship has done to my...yeah. Just to my my.
I kept wishing Logan would show up in the final scene, saying, "Your dad just gave me his ticket. He has a big case. Let's go to NY."
Oh, honey. That was my first thought. Logan and Veronica doing Manhattan together! Wheeee! For the moment, what Keith was doing with the briefcase and why he would suggest Logan going with Veronica didn't matter a whit.
Yeah. This ship has me by the...well, just by the the.