Wasn't there a shot of Veronica's phone at the airport that said "no signal" or something like that? I thought there was, which was why she couldn't call Keith. And if there were no signal she couldn't get incoming calls or messages, so I'm giving Keith the benefit of the doubt.
Yes, but I'm thinking if the case had anything to do with her being in danger, Keith getting to Veronica would have been priority one, if he couldn't reach her, and that he would have called her, before she got out of range.
It has to be more than money in the briefcase. Not sure what it coould really be, but more than money . He al ready put off money for Veronica - so why would money mean leave her at the airport?
Also, even Aaron's murder. Keith's a good man, but he can't be sorry Aaron's dead, considering.
I was thinking it would be Clarence's involvement that would somehow get Keith moving, not Aaron's murder per se, but I'm totally memfaulting on how much interaction Keith and Weidman (as opposed to Veronica and Weidman) have had.
I don't trust VM's cliff hangers or at least, the resolution to them.
There's this, sadly. That was a major botch in the season premiere, I thought.
Don't forget sleeping with Aaron, at at the least, getting Duncan's hair from the drain. I took her proximity to Aaron's murder to mean she was on CW's/the Kane's payroll for that particular night, at least, but I realize that's not the only explanation.
But now that Aaron's dead, how would it matter? And she certainly wouldn't be admitting her part in the execution, if in fact she was in on the plot.
If Logan's taking Veronica to the airport and something to do with Logan is posing a threat to Veronica? I can't see how he wouldn't have run out and stopped them from leaving, or called Veronica immediately, before she got out of cell phone range, or chased them, caught up to them, and got her back.
True. And even then, what could it be? "Hey, Logan has chlamydia!" Not life-threatening, and not a surprise, this season. I doubt they're going to give Logan shocking rage!epilesy next season.
Oooh! It could be something that has to do with Lamb's corruption, since we're now assuming Lamb isn't dead. I kind of can't see Keith standing up Veronica for that, though, even as much as he'd like to see Lamb getting his just rewards.
I guess my problem with Kendall bringing the briefcase is, what's in it for her? She's got money now, according to the lawyer, and as a grifter/con artist, that's probably what she wants most. With that kind of cash, what would make her stick around Neptune and ask for Keith's help, unless her life was at stake?
Which leads me back to the Fitzgeralds. If she wants to get out from under them, Keith could be the guy to help her do it, especially if she's handing him concrete information that would help him nail them.
Calli, isn't the vaccine people are fighting the HPV one (which really burns my britches, because dammit asshats, people get cancer from HPV). Is there a chlamydia vaccine in the works, too?
I think you may be right, in that I'm confusing my wack-job anti-vaccine crusades. There is a chlamydia vaccine in the works (John Hopkins is claiming to be a couple of years from human trials), but HPV is the one that's nearly ready for distribution.
The problem I have with the suitcase full of money, is that wouldn't Keith assume the cash is tainted in some way? I mean, who carries around suitcases full of cash unless it's ill-gotten? And if it *is* ill-gotten, I don't think that Keith would take it. He's too moral of a guy. I know that he's done plenty of illegal things in his line of work, but he's always done those things *to* the bad guys. Accepting a suitcase full of money *from* someone he knows is a bad guy crosses a line I don't think Keith would cross.
Yes. This. I'm in the camp that Keith wouldn't abandon Veronica over money, no matter how much. And the fact that this is Kendall and Keith knows better than to take anything from her at face value. Let alone the inherent shiftiness of a briefcase full of money.
I'm still liking the idea that it's Cliff's stolen briefcase, but I'm hard-pressed to come up with something Cliff discovered while defending Logan that would be urgent enough to abandon Veronica at the airport over.
Since the plot threads about the Fitzgeralds weren't completely tied up, it's not impossible that they could have something to do with next season, and they certainly don't like Veronica.
Who are the Fitzgeralds?
Sorry. More seriously, I agree that we'll probably see more of the Fitzpatricks next season. There was a whole of stuff setup there, and I can't imagine RT wasting it.
Who are the Fitzgeralds?
Eeesh. My brain = empty. Fitzpatricks. Right.
I was thinking it would be Clarence's involvement that would somehow get Keith moving, not Aaron's murder per se, but I'm totally memfaulting on how much interaction Keith and Weidman (as opposed to Veronica and Weidman) have had.
Not a whole lot, that I recall. The've had a couple of aloof-offs, but I think Keith is more familar with his reputation, considering how upset he was with Veronica for tangling with him, than actual interaction.
Veronica's cell phone's being out of range doesn't explain anything. Airlines will page people for you, and Veronica could have used a public phone when Keith didn't show up. I can't believe Keith would have just left a message on her cell phone without actually talking to her. People sometimes seem to forget that we used to communicate without cellphones.
Is is possible Kendall had fake evidence implicating Veronica and Logan in Aaron's death?
Is is possible Kendall had fake evidence implicating Veronica and Logan in Aaron's death?
But why would she? Especially since she wasn't trying to get herself off the hook, and she has to know she's not getting blackmail money out of Keith, who doesn't have any. Plus, she doesn't need it at the moment.