Indeed, he was my first suspect, a long way back
Do you mean for Lilly's killing? Interesting.
There were definitely hints that he had a nasty streak; it's the times that he was acting easy-going/sweet that don't quite parse for me - the nastiness never seemed that controlled, so I have issues buying the other, even at the level of a sociopath (and would a sociopath care that much about being outed and why didn't he just do something to Woody instead?).
Do you mean for Lilly's killing? Interesting.
No, for the bus crash. But I discounted it at first, and concentrated on the idea that he didn't care about Kendall at all and had set his dad up to fall.
Which no one here believed. And it turned out to be true. So there. (:
Huh. Also. If Cassidy planned on getting away with it (and I see no reason to doubt that) why would he have taken all of Mac's clothes and been generally sociopathic at her? Wouldn't it have worked better to... not?
why would he have taken all of Mac's clothes and been generally sociopathic at her?
Mac's pretty scrappy. I think he wanted to be sue she would at least be stuck in the hotel room while he went off to dispatch Veronica.
Which no one here believed.
Hey, I may not have said it, but I've believed it ever since he started real estating, at least.
Also, Cassidy has one hell of a scary sneer. For a while, I thought it was mediocre acting. Now, I'm interpreting as deep, underlying psychosis. Which I like better.
Mac's pretty scrappy. I think he wanted to be sue she would at least be stuck in the hotel room while he went off to dispatch Veronica.
I can see wanting to get her not to come after him, but... isn't taking her clothes psychotic enough that, had he successfully killed Veronica, he'd be under suspicion? A lot of suspicion? If he had just LEFT her there, in the shower, it's not like she would have known to go to the roof, and he could have made up some story about needing to borrow her phone to make an important phone call or something.
If he had just LEFT her there, in the shower, it's not like she would have known to go to the roof, and he could have made up some story about needing to borrow her phone to make an important phone call or something.
Maybe knowing Veronica knew about the crash broke something in him -- he'd already failed with Mac sexually, so taking her clothes and humiliating her could have been a punishment. If you're feeling like the world might crash in, you lash out. He might have lashed out anyway.
I gotta say, as much of a sinking feeling as I got when I thought Keith had died, I got even more of one when it turned out he was ok due to plot contrivance. If they'd left him dead, that would have actually been the noirest moment in noirville.
That was a generally excellent episode all around, though. I found myself saying "don't care, don't care" throughout all the Jackie revelations, but for the most part, I have to hand it to Cindy and the rest of y'all who called it: nice going.
just rewatched and based on the dialogue, Lamb was in Neptune the whole time and therefore was NOT on the plane.
someone on my flist pointed out this exchange:
Duncan: "CW?"
Clarence : "it's a done deal."