Another cliffhanger! That Rob Thomas is such a scamp!
So, we figured there would be some carry-over of the storylines into the next season. I suppose Kendall and the incorporation money would be it.
I'm kind of impressed how much got resolved in this episode.
Also, my phone-call (to me) guess was wrong. Only one call, and that was about 3 minutes ago. Must check voice mail.
Uh, Lamb -- is he dead?
oh crap!!! i totally didn't even think about that. no MM next season? WAH!
Mac broke my heart.
Keith leaving Veronica stranded after all that just went down. Huh!
The impression was left that Lamb was dead. Don't know for sure of course.
Poor Weevil! That was just awful.
Poor Mac.
I don't know yet how I feel about the season overall.
Hats off to all the smart people who figured Beaver (and yeah, the "My name is Cassidy!" thing broke me, a little) for the culprit. fucking much happened, it's all a little overwhelming.
My only niggle: I knew Keith couldn't be dead, because they waited so long to reveal it. Or maybe that was just me hoping against hope.
And no Lamb next season? (and there *will* be one -- shaky fist)
Very interested to see what's in that briefcase. Still processing the rest.
I'm feeling the need to rewatch both seasons. . . because it all ties together.
In addition we've got Meg's family out there with their reward and some sort of explanation for that.
Very interested to see what's in that briefcase.
Very Pulp Fiction.
After the plane exploded, I turned to Tom and said, "if they killed Keith, I will no longer watch this show."
Thankfully, they didn't. Now, hopefully there will be show to watch.
I said the same thing, Nora. Except to my cat, not to Tom. I mean, I would have said it to Tom had he been here, but...
But why are Meg's parents putting up 20K to get Woody back?
Because they believed he killed their daughter?
also? why isn't Dick graduating with the rest of them?
Failed Mr. Woo's science class.
Uh, Lamb -- is he dead?
Probably not. There was no reason for him to actually go to Reno. In fact, it would have delayed the whole process. Unless it was specifically mentioned and I missed it, I'd assume he's alive.
And Clarence Weidman rocks.
I just never really believed he was dead. I mean, I had no real idea HOW he could not be dead -- but he had to not be dead.