I said the same thing, Nora. Except to my cat, not to Tom. I mean, I would have said it to Tom had he been here, but...
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
But why are Meg's parents putting up 20K to get Woody back?
Because they believed he killed their daughter?
also? why isn't Dick graduating with the rest of them?
Failed Mr. Woo's science class.
Uh, Lamb -- is he dead?
Probably not. There was no reason for him to actually go to Reno. In fact, it would have delayed the whole process. Unless it was specifically mentioned and I missed it, I'd assume he's alive.
And Clarence Weidman rocks.
I just never really believed he was dead. I mean, I had no real idea HOW he could not be dead -- but he had to not be dead.
Clarence Weidman! Whoo-hoo!
(Yes, I said that over and over again for the last 10 minutes of the episode. And right now. Whoo-hoo!)
I don't think Lamb was on the plane. He probably called Keith to tell him not to take the plane.
Duncan has worked himself up a few notches in my book.
Yeah, now he actually IS a murderer.
Think Veronica will mention to anyone that Aaron copped to the murder in the elevator with the all seeing security camera?
i'm pretty sure i told Duncan Kane i loved him. it was heat of the moment! Logan's still my One True Love.
I gotta say, Weidman killing Duncan was the noirest moment in noirville.
Also, I went BUH-DUH-GUH-ASDF the moment it happened.
That was spectacular.
In addition we've got Meg's family out there with their reward and some sort of explanation for that.
Yeah, what's up with that? Now that we know the chlamydia chain was Woody --> Beaver --> Veronica, there's no hard proof that Woody had anything to do with Meg's baby. So whyfor the reward?
Weidman killing Aaron blew me away, no pun intended. And Kendall had to know or be warned -- only a minute elapsed between him finding himself on TV and the gunshot, and Kendall had just walked out of the room. So maybe what's in the briefcase has to do with Lilly's death? Although why bother now, since Aaron's dead? I just feel like it has to be something more interesting than money to keep Keith away from the flight to New York -- which we also don't know he *isn't* going to catch, yet.
Think Veronica will mention to anyone that Aaron copped to the murder in the elevator with the all seeing security camera?
I was wondering if there were cameras in the elevators when Aaron "confessed." Did you see them? Or are you guessing?
You know, I fucking knew Beaver was an asshole when he insulted Mac the ep they broke up.
I just didn't know how much of a fucked up asshole he was.