I just don't think Kendall was behind it.
One reason why I don't so much see Kendall as a culprit is that this season is really driving home the point about how parents have abused and damaged children -- Meg's parents mistreat her and her sister Grace; Big Dick mocks and humilates Beaver; Woody teaches his son to be fearful of Mrs Woody and molests other kids; Lamb may have been abused and his dad expressed some views similar to that of Meg's father; etc. I'm not sure if a murdering step-mother really fits in with this.
TVshowsondvd have corrected the street date for season 2 dvds to August 22nd.
Also, you can pre-order on Amazon already.
the AOL clip is up (obviously spoilery for those who avoid anything to do with the show before seeing it). how in the hell are they gonna wrap everything up? i'm so excited!!
Meep! 27 hours and change. I can't take it.
eta...If that link gives anyone trouble, I went here: [link] On that page, scroll down to the table beneath the
photo, and click on the arrow to the right of "Veronica Mars".
Alas, I cannot view stuff on AOL. Topic!Cindy -- Is there more than in the previews shown last week?
By the way, I bought a (new) cell phone today. My sister lost my old one several months ago and I could not put off replacing it any longer. It's one of the Motorola Razr phones with color screen and many features, including some camera phone thingy and IM, and internet access and so on. None of which beyond the phone book I will ever be able to figure out or use. It's all LiveJournal Greek to me.
Is there more than in the previews shown last week?
not Cindy because she's way wordier(hee!), but it's not exactly a preview. it's more akin to the cold open that UPN puts on their website. it's a short little scene that tells you a whole lotta nothin'.
I have a Razr too! just got it last month. which color did you get?
Silver. The Black was too somber and the Pink was too ... mauve.
I ended up with the black. they really need to offer it in blue because i would have snatched it up.
Alas, I cannot view stuff on AOL. Topic!Cindy -- Is there more than in the previews shown last week?
I can't remember. It's nothing big--only 1 minute, 13 seconds long, and more enjoyable than informative.
ALLEGATION: "not Cindy because she's way wordier"
tiggy "Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind." May 8, 2006 4:45:46 pm PDT:
Pages: 1
Words: 62
Characters (no spaces): 261
Characters (with spaces): 322
Paragraphs: 3
Lines: 5
Topic!Cindy "Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind." May 8, 2006 4:56:36 pm PDT
Pages: 1
Words: 36
Characters (no spaces): 171
Characters (with spaces): 205
Paragraphs: 2
Lines: 4
CONCLUSION: Not when I have as little to say.
*runs away*