Is there more than in the previews shown last week?
not Cindy because she's way wordier(hee!), but it's not exactly a preview. it's more akin to the cold open that UPN puts on their website. it's a short little scene that tells you a whole lotta nothin'.
I have a Razr too! just got it last month. which color did you get?
Silver. The Black was too somber and the Pink was too ... mauve.
I ended up with the black. they really need to offer it in blue because i would have snatched it up.
Alas, I cannot view stuff on AOL. Topic!Cindy -- Is there more than in the previews shown last week?
I can't remember. It's nothing big--only 1 minute, 13 seconds long, and more enjoyable than informative.
ALLEGATION: "not Cindy because she's way wordier"
tiggy "Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind." May 8, 2006 4:45:46 pm PDT:
Pages: 1
Words: 62
Characters (no spaces): 261
Characters (with spaces): 322
Paragraphs: 3
Lines: 5
Topic!Cindy "Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind." May 8, 2006 4:56:36 pm PDT
Pages: 1
Words: 36
Characters (no spaces): 171
Characters (with spaces): 205
Paragraphs: 2
Lines: 4
CONCLUSION: Not when I have as little to say.
*runs away*
I can't remember.
Taunter. Memory-failing Taunter.
BWAH! one post does not a point make.
I remember your mega posts, complete with super-script, missy.
that was a lifetime ago... *sniff*
Taunter. Memory-failing Taunter.
Narrator, what previews did you mean--the ones they show at the end of the broadcast, or some web-based previews?
that was a lifetime ago... *sniff*
I know. I've noticed the homesickness can be a little sharp for me, around finale season.