I wish everyone had died.
I am in love with Tina Majorino just as much in Big Love as in Veronica Mars, and she's just as much Not My Type. It's making me want to cancel my long-time committment against watching Napolean Dynamite, just to see her breakout role.
t /drunk
NYC, Tom? Because I'm upstate (north of Syracuse) and I saw it in our listings.
I forgot it changed nights! Thanks for the reminder Tom. (I promise I won't taunt, much.)
The episode that is showing tonight everywhere but New York is listed as showing at the old time tomorrow.
Man, I *so* don't want Weevil to be the one behind the bus crash.
(Also, randomly, the VM theme song makes me happy in the same way that the BTVS theme song did/does.)
Oh I feel the same way about the theme song. I won't even fast forward through it.
This episode really has my attention.
t boards special "notWeevilnotWeevilnotWeevil" cruise on DeNile....