Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
"emotionally coltish"
Thank yew. It was sort of striking, to me, because I realized that Rob Thomas : Logan is
the same as Joss : Buffy. Joss treated BUffy as a protagonist and a viewpoint character; he loved her and was hard on her, but it was her world. Logan, it's not that he's a secondary character (although he is in some ways); it's that his author is intentionally creating moments where the audience is alienated from Logan. We're asked not just to see things through his eyes, but also to turn our eyes
him and think critically about him.
It made me feel old, realizing that, because I look at him and say, "What an adolescent!" I never felt that way about Buffy characters; all of their adolescent stupidities were something I still felt close to. But, Thomas is creating distance on purpose, whereas Joss was all about the up-close (most of the time).
Joss treated BUffy as a protagonist and a viewpoint character; he loved her and was hard on her, but it was her world.
More than that, he treated her as a hero. Veronica isn't even treated as a hero on VM.
I love "emotionally coltish", Nutty.
I think Logan had sex with Hannah. I also think that, when he did it, he actually liked her. Whether or not liking her was his original intent the fact is she's actually 1) pretty funny 2) seemingly intelligent 3) affectionate and 4) blonde (big for Logan).
I fully believe that choosing Hannah as his big rebound girl over, say, any other blonde chick, was, originally, a purely manipulative move on his part. But she's still his rebound girl. He really does feel emotions for her, and now that's gonna give him hell. Because Logan is most interesting to most fans when he's in emotional turmoil about girls.
ETA: I meant to say, here, that I don't think Logan would have seriously pushed for sex with Hannah. At least, not while all the father manipulation was going on. But when she did that cute "well..." and gave him the doe-eyes and he was all overwhelmed with the fact that "whoa, girl actually likes me and i actually like her too"... yeah, he did it. He's 17. Or 18. Whatever.
I'm not 100% sure Hannah has anything to do with the "terrible" thing he thinks he did, though. I think there's a good chance he actually means erasing all the tapes.
I never felt that way about Buffy characters; all of their adolescent stupidities were something I still felt close to. But, Thomas is creating distance on purpose, whereas Joss was all about the up-close (most of the time).
Ooh. I like your point, Nutty! I hadn't thought of it that way, but reading it, i definitely see it and agree!
I'm torn between hoping he didn't sleep with Hannah (woobie!) and hoping he did (drama!). If he did, I'm damn glad we didn't SEE any of it, because fun as the fuckedupness is, the actual interaction between them is failing to push my buttons, unless someone else (her dad, Veronica) is watching/noticing.
Interesting: no comeuppance for the rapist! Makes me think that it will be revisited. Like next year when Veronica is conveniently at Hearst!
Not so interesting: Logan in lurve with Hannah, blah. Can her dad recant his recanting? Or do prosecuters get squirrely about that? Does he just like her because no one else can stand him?
Also, I was confused by the elevator tapes. Originally I thought that Lamb was making out with Cliff's lady, and then Madison was there, and then I was all ?!??!!??
This episode made me laugh out loud a lot ("have gone on a puzzling errand.") But overall it was like, MOTW, MOTW, Logan angst, and now for our carefully portioned piece of the seasonal arc! My favorite part was the Cliff/Keith stuff. Freaking gold. Comedy gold. Also, created a mystery that was interesting.
no comeuppance for the rapist!
Yeah, I was upset because George Michael was the only other person who could have been the rapist, but I'm glad they didn't follow through with that.
technically, Troy was in the the preview. it was just too quick for you to tell it was him getting punched unless you're obsessive like me and froze it and slow-played it to see who it was. *ahem*
this episode? i can't even properly express my love. i will say that Cliff/Keith/Lamb is totally my new OT3. every single one of those actors just plays so well off of each other. hysterical geniuses.
oh and after watching the ep last week it never even occurred to me that Logan and Hannah slept together until that seemed to be all people were focusing on. i haven't made up my mind completely, but i think i'm on the side of the fence that says NOT. simply because of the way they were acting in this ep like it was their first time together.
i will say that Cliff/Keith/Lamb is totally my new OT3.
My favorite moment was Cliff's "I'd vote for you" as a follow to Keith telling Lamb that, "Hey, she's 18!" would make a good campaign slogan.
My completely shallow moment: thinking, "My God, how short is she?!" about the Hawaiian student with the shaved head over whom Veronica(!!) had four or five inches.
Thoroughly loved this episode. Cliff and Keith. The note and the "campaign poster" (which made me laugh loud enough I'm sure I disturbed my neighbors.) Veronica tasering points guy on the way out of the party. Lots of laughs and a decently interesting mystery in between. And now we get who stole Cliff's briefcase and why added to the overall story.
And next week we finally get to see Weevil again, and it looks like some Veronica and Logan team-up action.
My favorite part was the Cliff/Keith stuff.
Oh, heck yeah. They ruled.
(Also, while I found last week's episode kind of meh, the V/V interaction made me glad my twisted brain's not invested enough in the show to write fic.)