Per the Boston Globe [link] WLVI 56 is the local winner in the CW stakes (which is never going to mean anything but
Country and Western
to me, no matter how I try).
Overall, 38 was probably the better channel (with "better" a totally subjective pronouncement by me) on average, during my life to date, but once it was associated with UPN, it's prime time offerings were (on average) weaker.
Of course, this potentially means the more casual VM viewers will have to remember a switch in both station and night.
Channel 38 still has the Red Sox Friday night contract, I think, and the rassenfrassen basketball that is interrupting our Veronicahood this week. Their "original" programming can't be any worse than WNDS out of New Hampshire.
(I grew up with WPIX out of New Jersey as the gold standard of independent TV channels -- I think they went UPN at some point. Wonder whether they'll go back to being independent?)
WPIX, formerly WB, will become the flagship station for CW. UPN 9 (WWOR) is being left out in the cold.
Unfortunately, WWOR is nowhere near the gold standard in independent TV, and it nearly lost its broadcast license at various points in its history. It's currently owned by Rupert Murdoch/Fox.
IIRC, before WB and UPN, there used to be a market for plain old syndicated shows - comedies and dramas too - that were shown on the locally owned network. I wonder if that will re-emerge.
IIRC, before WB and UPN, there used to be a market for plain old syndicated shows - comedies and dramas too - that were shown on the locally owned network. I wonder if that will re-emerge.
That was still around-- I'm thinking of stuff like VIP, Xena, Mutant X. WB/UPN stations only had national programming at night. During the day they put on syndicated programming like that, particularly weekends.
WOR's pre-UPN claim to fame is that it was the flagship station for the Mets, and that's about it.
WOR's pre-UPN claim to fame
The Morton Downey, Jr. show.
I am suddenly having vague memories of other local grade-Z talk shows. Like the Richard Bey show, which was like Jerry Springer, only even cheaper and everyone with Bronx accents.
Wow, this is why I didn't learn anything in highschool -- too busy watching Flatbush bellydancers justify their chosen professions to their angry boyfriends.
So, there's a new damn episode tonight, right? Along with Lost and Bones?
The TV schedule lives to make me weep.
also the MIT Mythbusters is on, re-visiting the Ancient Death Ray experiment. Since no VM tonight for us, I will try to watch Lost and tape Mythbusters.