Wallace. Yay!
Meg. Waaaah.
The Mars' family Christmas. Yay!
Everything else in this episode was meh off an UTTAD's back.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Wallace. Yay!
Meg. Waaaah.
The Mars' family Christmas. Yay!
Everything else in this episode was meh off an UTTAD's back.
All the characters were posessed by insane trolls.
It took me close to 5000 words to express (what boils down to) the idea expressed above, in eight.
Everything else in this episode was meh off an UTTAD's back.And it caused UTTAD to speak of UTTAD's self in the third person.
I know we're very upset about that, aren't am?
By the way, what the hell did Logan burn after watching the tapes?
The labels that were on the tapes, thus making them not identifyable as having formerly been the tapes in question.
The labels that were on the tapes, thus making them not identifyable as having formerly been the tapes in question.
Ahh, OK. I got distracted and when I was paying attention again I thought they almost looked like some kind of key cards, but they burned too quickly for plastic.
All the characters were posessed by insane trolls.
Actually, I thought the characters were the characters. It was the world around them that was making insane troll logic. For instance, it's not Veronica's fault at all that somehow she got summoned for jury duty the day before she was due to show up, made it through a jury selection process AND an entire, detailed criminal trial ALL ON THE SAME DAY.
And Keith was pretty identifiable as Keith, even if Leo could have pulled off the same crime much better and easier if he had stolen a copy, and no one would have noticed until it came out. And Duncan was a dumbass, but then, he's always a dumbass, so whataya gonna do? Being oblivious concrete IS his his character.
And as for the racist guy on the jury, well ... OK. I gotta give them that one. I lived in rich O.C. for too long and heard too many rich white guys blurt out equally stupid things to not think that's not as exaggerated as it may seem. Plus, dug the grandma, and we got Wallace back and a hint of what Veronica's doing after college.
Probably the weakest episode of the season so far, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it.
P-C: excellent! I think my profile email is good.
Hmm. I'm out of synch with VM fans. I didn't like the Prom Baby episode, but I liked One Angry Veronica. Don't get me wrong; I recognize its flaws, which are many. But -- I just liked it. Possibly b/c we got more Keith than we've been getting lately.
I liked it. I thought it was full of flaws (and some sloppiness) but I didn't not like it (Buffy hated it, though t /delusional ). It was more painful to think about/analyze than it was to just sit and watch.
I thought the Logan scenes were great (although the first Keith & Logan scene at the Sheriff's office were too rushed for me). I loved Bell and Colatoni in their scenes together (although I thought the dialog was subpar, the acting covered that up), and I liked the Keith & Lamb scenes, as well.