I liked it. I thought it was full of flaws (and some sloppiness) but I didn't not like it (Buffy hated it, though
t /delusional
). It was more painful to think about/analyze than it was to just sit and watch.
I thought the Logan scenes were great (although the first Keith & Logan scene at the Sheriff's office were too rushed for me). I loved Bell and Colatoni in their scenes together (although I thought the dialog was subpar, the acting covered that up), and I liked the Keith & Lamb scenes, as well.
There was a lot more Keith than usual last week.
More Keith is of the good. And next year, more Wallace! (I assume)
The good parts (Logan and Keith with the tapes, Veronica & Keith & NYE) made the episode end up in the plus column for me.
Hee! Couch Baron delivered one hell of a funny line (at least... to me) about Lamb's appearance in the last one:
And that's all you'll be seeing of Lamb this week, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it sufficed.
oddly, I felt show was - undramatic. Oddly predictable. Even how people turn on the jury was - predictable.
I think the jury trial served a few purposes.
1) getting V into college. 2) a reminder ( heavy handed) that it is not just kids in the '09er crowd that are mean, cruel, and bigoted. 3) A slap in the face telling everyone that V is not an '09er. She doesn't think like them and even if she hangs with them she isn't one.
Logan tears.....
Yes, I had to try,
I already have the tapes and destroyed them. If you want to hound
someone, why don't you hound Veronica Mars. She can be reached at:
Cute. I have mail from Logan in my box. Hee.
I just love that they use logical email addresses for the characters. gmail, AOL, etc.
I was watching last week's Veronica Mars when they showed Logan's e-mail address — gottapes@gmail.com — on screen, and I decided to send off a message. Would you believe he wrote me back in character?
My favorite stunt like this was on King of the Hill where they set up an actual Spank Peggy's Feet fetishist website after there was an episode which featured that very thing.
My favorite was when the BtVS writers set up a website for Cassie.
You can still find some of it on the Wayback machine: [link]