Was watching last week's epsiode again tonight, and I love how wrong Veronica and Keith are all the time. I thought it was just that episode, but no, this episode followed the trend of consistently jumping to incorrect conclusions confidently explained to befuddled "villians." Well, except for Principal Clemmons-- I guess he knew all along that the principal fathered that child, but I find it hard to believe that he masterminded Veronica finding it out from her mother's file.
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Can someone spoil the alternative ending? The picture isn't working for me.
ETA: Never mind. I got it working. Wow.
The Weevil/Logan show was so worth the price of admission.
If anyone hasn't watched the alternate ending yet, save yourself some time and jump to the 8 minute mark. Other than some scenes being cut a bit to make room for the extended last scene, nothing is different until then.
I can't get past the choose your connection bit on my Mac. Of course I'm also downloading an ep of Lost to the pod.
OMG the alternative ending rocks.
What Jon said. Sigh.
I totes voted for the alternate ending, though.
Hmmm, so how long is the alternative ending?
That was a very fun episode. I will admit to thinking at the beginning when Veronica was talking to Mary that Mary had probably said "friend" not "fiend" -- because who says fiend in that context?
Loved the Logan - Weevil fight/agreement and Cassidy's plan and the Cassidy/Mac sparkage.
Good god, the HSQ in this show just never lets up, does it? I'm still reeling. I think my favorite subplot was Van Clemmons's scheme. Excellent smug smile on his face at the end.
Cassidy is also becoming a favorite, although Mac was a little too squee-ish in her interaction with him. Tone it down, girl. You're much snarkier than that usually.
Favorite Logan line: "Rode Hard, meet Put Up Wet." Loved the snarking between CC and AH. Although the Weevil/Logan bathroom fight was right up there.
And Meg pregnant? True out-loud gasp here. She's way far along, too, like seven or eight months. How long has she been in the coma, in show time? Also, was that supposed to be the first time she'd opened her eyes, or is she not necessarily in a coma? (That can't be true, though -- the hospital wouldn't secret her away. Without, like, Kane money, or something.)
Can anyone spoil the alternate ending for me? My speakers aren't working for one, and I need some kind of plug-in to get it anyway, which isn't working for me (the perpetually tech challenged).
Well, how do we know that Meg's family doesn't have riches? She is an '09er.
I watched it -- the video was a bit jerky but did Meg's mom come in and smother her with a pillow ? And then Veronica comes out and takes the pillow off Meg's face and gets caught by a nurse ?
How in the world do they reconcile both endings?