(Not, you know, that we've been having any issues related to repairing/replacing vulnerable structures that are key to the economic security of this whole neck of the woods or anything like that. Oh no.)
I would like an initiative on the ballot here that says if the Big One happens Tim Eyman and John Carlson are required to apologize personally to the next of kin of those killed in the Alaskan Way Viaduct collapse and the 520 breakup. And the survivors too. And by apologize I mean they have to go to every person's residence, meet each person individually, and say how sorry they are that their greed and selfishness killed and maimed and put in harm's way.
The Superdome story makes me ill. and I really can't think of anyway it could have been prevented.
Frustrageon is a fabulous word.
Good rant, dw. Well said.
New -- No, REALLY New -- Orleans
New (squared) Orleans
Damn, I wish I knew how to make the superscript 2.
I would like an initiative on the ballot here that says if the Big One happens Tim Eyman and John Carlson are required to apologize personally to the next of kin of those killed in the Alaskan Way Viaduct collapse and the 520 breakup. And the survivors too. And by apologize I mean they have to go to every person's residence, meet each person individually, and say how sorry they are that their greed and selfishness killed and maimed and put in harm's way.
I'd sign it.
I'm not sure they know just how lucky we were in '01 to just lose buildings.
I wish I knew how to make the superscript 2.
It's "& sup2 ;", without the spaces.
Not that I don't agree with Angry Lady, but she seems to also be shopping for chi chi shoes.
Not that she's the Sec'y of State or anything, but, you know, if she's that mad and with that much disposable income, maybe she can be doing something better with her time as well.
Don't mind me, I'll just stand here with my hopelessly outdated class rage issues.
Not you, Cindy. Them:
Oh, situation normal, then. Check.
One friend needs to drive from Jackson to Hattiesburg to deliver food and water to his older relatives who are running low. He has enough gas to get to Hattiesburg, but not enough to get back.
There's a woman on LJ, her mom and grandma are in Hattiesburg. They have no water, or damned little. Big mess up. [link]