If he were the head of a multinational corporation, I would expect his resignation post-haste, and he could expect to get caught up in a class-action suit for willful neglect. Unfortunately, this is politics, so he ain't leaving. Sigh.
Huh. I wonder - is it possible to bring a class-action suit against a politician? I suppose not while s/he's in office, huh?
Jesse, I think they've known it for a while.
lunch is ordered. head is hurting. work is slowly getting done.
Not to mention, NOLA is a major port. In practical terms, it will be necessary either to rebuild NOLA (at minimum, to get its port facilities back to where they were, plus necessary supporting infrastructure), or to find a new port/increase the capacity of existing ports to take up the slack. Unless we want the U.S. to become more self-sufficient/less dependent on imports, which would have its upside but doesn't appear likely in today's zeitgeist.
Yeah. That's the point I was going to mention. Really, most of the areas where you hear talk about the risks of living there, why should we pay, blah blah blah are major port cities.
Dude. You'll pay one way or another.
Just another part of my increasing frustrageon at how short-sighted people can be. (Not, you know, that we've been having any issues related to repairing/replacing vulnerable structures that are key to the economic security of this whole neck of the woods or anything like that. Oh no.)
is Gmail down for everyone, or does it have a particular hate-on for me?
My gmail is working fine.
More from my friends in Jackson: They're still having trouble getting gas. Problem isn't supply, it's that most of the stations still don't have power.
One friend needs to drive from Jackson to Hattiesburg to deliver food and water to his older relatives who are running low. He has enough gas to get to Hattiesburg, but not enough to get back.
It was hating me earlier today.
Ooh, good word.
My gmail smells like cat food.
Brenda, I love the word frustrageon. It just sums up so much.
BTW - I'm sorry for my flippancy about NOLA and hell earlier on. It was kind of tasteless. I just tend to default to gallows humor. Not an excuse, but I am sorry.