Cake and bread are like art and/or porn: I know it when I see it.
I love Leif's new way of saying he's hungry or full. Hungry is "my tummy is sad", while full is "my tummy is happy".
I am SO using this! (FTR, my tummy is currently happy -- chicken/apple sausage and sweet potato fries. Possibly some veggies momentarily.)
Tried the painting upside down approach, Pete?
Tried the painting upside down approach, Pete?
The blood rushes to my head and I get a headache, so not much use.
Nah, it's no good when you're dealing with facets of form that need to be accurate.
eta: Though sometimes, checking out the image in a mirror helps.
Tried the painting upside down approach, Pete?
If I get home to find him suspended from the ceiling, I'm holding you responsible. After I stop giggling.
If I get home to find him suspended from the ceiling, I'm holding you responsible. After I stop giggling.
You'd just put batwings on him. Admit it.
The leavening, no? Except, I don't know that there's any good reason to call sweet quick breads (banana et al.) "bread" instead of cake.
hey! I might know the answer to this! I think it's actually about the proteins. Breads (not quickbread which as jesse points out really are cake) often have long strands of proteins that make it chewy and not just cakey (as Nilly pointed out). The reason you let the doughs rise and then beat them down and then knead is about developping the gluteny/proteiny strands.
Sigh. Brain is on overload.
Just think Jilli - if he's upside down, you can tweak his nose for all the times he's poke you in yours.
t /random freakout
Hey, sarameg,
The card is ADORABLE! And thank you for the smooshed pennies. They are going in to my smooshed penny folder. You're the best!