Most of my education was in religious institutions. From nursery school through high-school, my day was always split between Judaic studies, and what we would refer to as secular studies. Over the years I had many different science teachers teach us about biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences, and yes, evolution. Never, not once, did a science teacher attempt to teach us creationism. Why? Because that's what the religious half of the day was for.
Wolfram, this was my experience in Catholic schools, as well.
"If necessary," he said, "we will secede from the union."
Because that always goes so well.
Hey, I'd be thrilled to have the whack-jobs out.
Because that always goes so well.
Hey, it's the ultimate expression of State's Rights.
That trick never works.
Yeah, it worked so well for South Carolina last time.
Because that always goes so well.
Maybe we should send them free passes to see Fort Sumter and a complete set of The Civil War DVDs.
NASA satellite shots of the Mississippi damage:
I'm with Tep. Here's your hat, what's your hurry, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
That Columbia Christian Campaign, or whatever it's called? Has now gotten far more attention than it's ever gotten or will get.
Jesus -- the dude this group allegedly worships -- loved the sinners, the whores and depraved sort. He didn't kick the shit out of them, and he certainly didn't destroy their homes.
More to the point, hello! Don't these people READ the Bible? I am an unbelieving reprobate and even I know about the rainbow sign, and how it means
I promise that next time I totally destroy you it won't be with water.
Ipso facto, Q. E. D., and other Latin phrases. Some people just need my foot in their ass.
Hey, I'd be thrilled to have the whack-jobs out.
There are the millions of poor folk who'd be trapped in the theocracy, getting stoned to death in public squares, who were unable to leave due to not having anyplace else to go, I think.