6.) Change the nameservers for the domain over to digital ocean. I don't have the creds to do this.
Who has this? Jesse?
Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
6.) Change the nameservers for the domain over to digital ocean. I don't have the creds to do this.
Who has this? Jesse?
I guess so! I have the passwords and whatnot -- just tell me in short sentences what needs doing.
How about planning to do the switch over on Labour-Day weekend?
If I reset my password on the new site, will it reset my password here (I don't know my password)
No. The sites aren't connected in any way.
I should also mention, that anything you do right now on the test site will not carry over to the actual new site.
Made a tweak so that you don't just get the last post when you post a new message.
Gudanov, is there anything I should do to get back on the git? Being able to take a simple issue here or there might be good for my soul. And I have the linux subsystem for windows installed now so ruby on rails is less of a hassle than before.
I think you should have access to both borg2 (the new board) and borg-legacy (converting the old static content) projects on gitlab. There's a lot of work to be done fixing up the html and links in borg-legacy.
Cool I'll try to get in and get it synced to my computer.