Logging out isn't working for me either, it just sends me to buffistas.org. Firefox 21.0, Mac OS X version 10.6.8.
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Logout is working okay here. Firefox 21.0, IE 9.
When I go to a thread (like this one) that I have no unread messages in it goes to post 1. Then the second time I go in it goes to recent.
It may only do that the first time after logging in. I have to verify that...
eta: yes, the first thread I select after logging in will go to post 1 if I have no unread messages. Then all are normal.
eta: forgot to mention Windows 7, 64 bit. Also, same results as above on the laptop as on the work computer. Both log out fine and both have the go to post 1 on the first thread if no unread thing.
Logout did not work for me on HP netbook, Windows 98, Chrome 27.0.1453.110m
(Seriously on the versioning Chrome people?)
It also did not work on iPad 1, OS 5.1.1, Safari v. ??
Log out didn't work for me on Firefox 21, Windows 7, HP laptop--um, couple of years old, I forget the model. And after I clicked logout, I had to recent in this thread. I don't know if my new messages are still saved. Lemme check.
Yep, all there.
We're still on that low-level plan, I'm pretty sure. Should I upgrade it now?
No, not until they tell us what parameter we exceeded. There isn't supposed to be a database connection cap, per se, but they have a weird unit called the coneury that I don't pretend to understand.
I've opened a ticket asking what's what.
OK! Will hold.
We should be braced for periodic outages until it's resolved, and it's pointless having buffistas.info where it is right now, because it will go down for the same problem (as it did). Let me work on getting that moved--see if fangeek is still in that business. Seen their website recently? All growed up!
Guys, you did an awesome job.
I have a question: whenever I go to Press or Beep Me, I go to a page that's like, 1000 posts back, not the most recent, and I don't know why. I use Chrome.
And I changed my background color a long time ago, and it arbitrarily will change to white about 10 times a day when I am in the middle of reading threads. This isn't a awful problem, but is it something I'm doing that I can fix?
The right column problem is a known bug, As for the page colour, can you identify exactly when it happens? And then you can save your HTML and I can look at that and see what the issue is.