Guys, you did an awesome job.
I have a question: whenever I go to Press or Beep Me, I go to a page that's like, 1000 posts back, not the most recent, and I don't know why. I use Chrome.
And I changed my background color a long time ago, and it arbitrarily will change to white about 10 times a day when I am in the middle of reading threads. This isn't a awful problem, but is it something I'm doing that I can fix?
The right column problem is a known bug, As for the page colour, can you identify exactly when it happens? And then you can save your HTML and I can look at that and see what the issue is.
I will save the HTML the next time it happens, ita ! I haven't thought to notice when it happens; I just cuss and keep reading!
ita ! it just did it again in Press: "If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me" at 8:11 CST, and again in this thread at 8:13.
Went back to the first posts, and change to the white background both times.
Thanks for being willing to look into this. It's not life-altering to me, but I thought you should know.
ETA: Shit. I saved the URL, not the HTML. How do I find the HTML to save it?
FML - this day keeps sucking.
Right click, view source and then email me that. The post numbering is a known bug--it's the wallpaper I'm interested in.
You're welcome! Thank YOU for saving the board!
I don't know what to tell you, Strix. The HTML you send me has a light purple background when I load it. We could go deeper into the developer functions of your browser, but I don't know if it's going to be worth the aggro.
I am having weird line overlap issues on the home page. Screencap: [link]
The message center view is fine. It's just the home page. Not sure what's going on. I'm using Chrome.
That's a known issue, Vonnie, thanks. I'll work on it when I get the focus.