I just checked my profile and the same thing happened to me - my current email address randomly switched to my username. Probably happened when I changed my tag a few days ago.
If nothing's changed w/ the board, my guess is it's a Firefox thing.
'Same Time, Same Place'
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I just checked my profile and the same thing happened to me - my current email address randomly switched to my username. Probably happened when I changed my tag a few days ago.
If nothing's changed w/ the board, my guess is it's a Firefox thing.
It happened to tommyrot, I think. Because a couple of weeks ago his email field was filled in with just his user name.
It did the same thing to me. Definitely looks like a Firefox thing.
Thinking about it some more, on the "Set profile" page, it looks like Firefox is automatically filling in the "Old Password" text box, and it is incorrectly assuming that the text box immediately above it must be for the username.
My post in Natter just disappeared! I had a post go in 1 second after current post 2645 (I think) and it was numbered 2646 of 2645, and when I went back into Natter, my post was gone. The quip wasn't that rip-roaring, but the gremlins shouldn't censor me.
OK, it's back. Weird.
The Email in Firefox probably has to do with the latest version of Firefox, because it doesn't happen on my work computer, where I am using Firefox, but it does happen on my new home computer where I just downloaded the most recent version of Firefox.
The Email in Firefox thing could be fixed by rearranging the input boxes in the "Set profile" page, or by putting the change password functionality on a separate page.
It seems to be the same in Chrome. I have Chrome set to save passwords, which also saves the username. On my "set profile" page, the field for "Your new email address:" gets auto-filled with my username, and if I click the OK button on the page (the last occasion was when I changed my tag), my e-mail address gets overwritten.
Okay, I changed the order. All you people with weirdo browsers tell me if it's still wonking for you, or what.