Refresh is our friend. The first thing that jumps out as me is that the "edited by" text is a larger point size than before, which I hate.
Also, the dividing line separating the body of the thread from the posting box area is one pixel wide in the left column, then 3 pixels wide the rest of the way. [link]
ita/Jon, would it be feasible to load the default style sheet into the "custom css" box so we can see what the various defined styles are called before we start tweaking them?
Oh aha, I got halfway through my morning read, including buttinskying in Bureaucracy (say that 5 times fast)! And hit Refresh one last time before setting up a wail here.
And that last refresh finally worked. Stupid Firefox! Learn faster!
I really hate the 1px solid grey line
in #footer. I tried moving the line further down, but margin-top: in #footer seems to be ignored.
Yay! Nice work, you guys.
That line is like a random line on my resume that only shows up when I print it.
I'm pretty sure I'm with Tom on that one, if I am reading what he said right.
A visual description of what I'm talking about [here], [here], [here], and [here].
[Edit: and it behaves the same way in Camino [i.e. mozilla] as it does in Safari.]
Yep-- that's the line I was whining about last night.
Is there a way to do a css tweak on how much blank space there is in each post? And if so, can someone tell me how to change it so that there is one less blank line at the bottom?
ita -- Ive updated the threadsuck page on the css site. Move it over at your leisure.
All -- I'll take a look at the liney issue later today.
My screens are all looking horrible. no formatting, everything off to the left.
I will try the refresh.