tiggy--good catch. We totally didn't bring that over. I'm not even sure there's a reason why.
amy--do you have yours saved? I can go ahead and delete?
ND--I sure didn't do anything yet. The HTML you sent me looked just fine in my browser. I got nothing. It may be taking people a couple refreshes--cached versions of the css file, perhaps.
Alright--go back in and reenter it. And from here, play as you will.
Who knows what caused it then. It's refreshing fine on this end now.
Er, how do I fix it? Some people's font is small, others are big, the message center is all weird (the stuff on the right side isn't on the right side, the stuff on the bottom isn't on the bottom, it's all in a list....) How do I fix it? Make it back to how it was, wwwwwaaaaah!
Refresh refresh refresh. For some reason I think caching is the enemy.
Wow. The site worked fine on my iPhone, but I just opened it on the Mac in Safari and it looked a complete mess. None of the tables were rendering and such. I refreshed, and all is fine now.
Yay refresh! It only took one, for me. But it was a scary read for a couple minutes there...
Refresh is our friend. The first thing that jumps out as me is that the "edited by" text is a larger point size than before, which I hate.
Also, the dividing line separating the body of the thread from the posting box area is one pixel wide in the left column, then 3 pixels wide the rest of the way. [link]
ita/Jon, would it be feasible to load the default style sheet into the "custom css" box so we can see what the various defined styles are called before we start tweaking them?