Okay--I've solved the speed problem on the map on the CSS site at least.
Be warned--I haven't implemented much/anything in the way of errorchecking your locations. It will barf at you if it doesn't recognize what you're putting in. Back up and try again--no harm no foul.
Validation to follow.
I totally want to move back to Wyoming now so we can have a pin on the map there.
I've updated the .org map page so that it should load much faster now.
Coming up next...Buffista to Buffista driving directions.
I am kidding. I hope you realise that.
HA! After that you can tie it into the GPS on our phones so we can see livetime info as Buffistas move about the world. Then there could be little graphic sparks flying when there's a F2F and there is too high a concentration of Buffistas in one area.
the GPS on our phones
The who with the what now?
The thing on the wall, with the curly cord? Some of these "steam punk" kids are sticking compasses and gyros and such on them now.
After that you can tie it into the GPS on our phones so we can see livetime info as Buffistas move about the world.
Ain't nobody sticking a LoJack on me.
My phone has that capability--the "Buddy Beacon" integrates iwth the GPS to tell you where your friends with teh same cellphone service are. Except I don't know anyone else who has a Helio phone, so it would be sorta useless.
Huh, I've tried putting in my zip code and my street address, but it doesn't move me on the map. It keeps putting me right on the word "Oakland."