Though I do agree--shared is just one VIP visit away from trauma.
From experience, yes and no to that. I used HostGator for a while, although they suffered issues periodically. UH have been exceptionally good over the years, and I'm happy enough with the stability of them for my sites. It's working out at around 99.5%, which is fine for me.
I used to have the various sites I run on dedicated, and if I had the money still I'd keep it that way. Although I had to do all the server admin stuff myself, which was a pain.
It does seem a bit wacky that the hosts want to upgrade you to CentOS 3.x, which is quite old. Although Redhat 7.3 is really ancient, so it's better.
From experience, yes and no to that
Ours has been pointed enough I don't want to gamble. I mean, ours as a board. Mine as an individual with sites hosted around concurs.
If CentOS 3.8 is supported and stable, I don't care if it's old. RH 7.3 was doing us just fine, after all.
One minor formatting thing with the css site: The taglines below the username and date are too big. Or bigger than they are now, in any case.
If CentOS 3.8 is supported and stable, I don't care if it's old.
Security upgrades til 2010, according to the website. So you'd get at least 3 years out of it.
ETA: Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say how to run this site re shared, just throwing my coins in. Or whatever the expression is.
So I would appreciate formatting feedback--it will not be exactly the same, but I hope it will still be as streamlined and readable.
The hidden row of asterisks are not hidden on pages like "About Us" and "FAQ" and "Site Ettiquette".
And the IE problem would be fixed eventually, right?
I've swapped to the CSS version. Looks good.
The hidden row of asterisks are not hidden on pages like "About Us" and "FAQ" and "Site Ettiquette".
I didn't change over any of the static pages, so you're going to see the results of losing their normal styles. Which is to say, will be fixed in post. No pun intended.
And the IE problem would be fixed eventually, right?
It'll have to be, and I welcome the input of spicier CSS brains than mine.
Okay, but the front page is dynamic, right? Running IE 6 at 1024x760, for the threads in the right-hand column, the lines in the description seem to overlap. This does not happen for the thread descriptions in the center area.
Here's how it looks for me at that res with my version of 6.0. I did discover I can make some the right hand threads kinda disappear, though.
Can you show me a screenshot of yours?
Looking at it, I think it's actually a redrawing issue, not a CSS issue. Which makes it my problem.
Oh, and when I actually read your post, you're seeing the same thing. Funny how beneficial it is to read things.