We have a Jamaican restaurant near my office. It's the only one I've ever been to, so I don't know how it stands up. The curried shrimp there is pretty good, and I'm not usually a huge curry fan.
There's a pretty good Jamaican place a block from my office. Usually I'm not in the mood to pick bits of meat off bits of bone on my lunch break, though.
I still can't quite grasp the appeal of chicken and waffles.
I can't quite grasp not grasping the appeal of chicken and waffles. There's fried chicken! And waffles! What's not to love?
Cthulhu and the Space Clams?
I am so starting this band.
I want the frontclamman to be Yog Doggy Sothoth. Or maybe Shub-P-Diddy-Niggurath.
I don't even
fried chicken, yet ... I can't deny the chicken/waffle appeal. Throw in that mac and cheese? OH GOD OH GOD MY GOD.
And for those in or visiting LA and lovers of Greek food: Papa Cristos on Pico at Normandie is AMAZING. Their Big Fat Greek Family-Style Dinner.
Most of you probably know about this place. I just went for the first time last Thursday.
Does bacon or sausage and waffles or pancakes work for you?
Yes, but those are breakfast foods. Chicken is not. Fried chicken even less so. And there isn't enough color contrast. No, really. It's a weird thing I have about pale foodstuff. I don't like chicken and mashed potatos together for the same reason. Cauliflower wouldn't work either. Too Much Pale. Ditto white gravy. My head just starts tweaking thinking about it. I realize this is strange.
OK, I'm off home to see what I can actually have for lunch (um, can I still call it lunch if it's 9:30pm?).
For the naming of the next Natter thread, I'm going to suggest something that has the word "lunch" in it.
Lunch lunch lunch. Nope, the word still didn't lose meaning.
I think you need to come visit us this fall, sarameg.
I wish. At this point, I'm not sure I'm going to be ready to take off time for thanksgiving.
Throw in that mac and cheese?
It's a weird thing I have about pale foodstuff.
Between you and Polgara --
::shakes head::