I still can't quite grasp the appeal of chicken and waffles.
I dunno - it might be fun to eat waffles while a chicken watches you.
I had a dissapointing lunch from the Kingdom of Burger. Ideal lunch would be some sort of seafood - maybe salmon or scallops. It'd probably take too long for a lunch of crab legs....
Which button do you press for Jamaican food?
My little university town had a Jamaican resturant for about 72 hours. The owner walked out in the middle of the third day and was never seen again.
We do have three Tibetan resturants within a block of each other, which is a bit unusual. Unfortunately, this doesn't help much at lunch time because Tibetan food tends to be better for the soul than for the stomach.
Now I want bacon.
I think I always do, unless I'm in the process of eating it. And even then...
The owner walked out in the middle of the third day and was never seen again.
I think I always do, unless I'm in the process of eating it. And even then...
"This bacon is good, but it needs something.....I know! MORE BACON!"
I still can't quite grasp the appeal of chicken and waffles.
I think you need to come visit us this fall, sarameg.
Hec, I'm not asking Willow and Hermione to create me Jamaican restaurants because I don't think they exist, you know.
Jamican restaurants do so exist!
Apparently they're only open for three days, though.
We have a Jamaican restaurant near my office. It's the only one I've ever been to, so I don't know how it stands up. The curried shrimp there is pretty good, and I'm not usually a huge curry fan.
We have a Jamaican restaurant near my office. It's the only one I've ever been to, so I don't know how it stands up. The curried shrimp there is pretty good, and I'm not usually a huge curry fan.
There's a pretty good Jamaican place a block from my office. Usually I'm not in the mood to pick bits of meat off bits of bone on my lunch break, though.
I still can't quite grasp the appeal of chicken and waffles.
I can't quite grasp not grasping the appeal of chicken and waffles. There's fried chicken! And waffles! What's not to love?
Cthulhu and the Space Clams?
I am so starting this band.
I want the frontclamman to be Yog Doggy Sothoth. Or maybe Shub-P-Diddy-Niggurath.