OK - since of course the Democratic party listens to me, I'll take the opportunity so suggest what the strategy should be on this. Filibuster - so that either the Republicans use the nuclear option, or the "moderate" Republicans prove they are moderate by actuall voting against the use of the nuclear option. Guess which way I'm betting.
One way or another Bush is going end up with a court that is essentially an arm of the Republican party. An independent Judiciary was a nice idea while it lasted. So make the Republican pay a political price for this. The nuclear option is not popular among the general public. Added bonus; if the the Democrats ever get back into power, they can use the same nuclear option as the Republicans to repeal the rest of the filbuster, then do the court stacking Roosevelt was prevented from doing. The basis for preventing this was to protect an indendents judiciary which we will no longer have. If the rule is that under the Republicans we have Republican judiciary lets make the same rule that under the Democrats we have a Democratic one. If the Democrats filibuster, and the Republican moderates don't like that possible end game, let them vote against the nuclear option.
The Democrats are going to have understand something - having almost no power to stop the Republicans from doing bad stuff, they are going to have to stop trading "bi-partisan" cover in return for things being a fraction less bad. It is time they stop concentrating on tiny gains, and instead do stuff that highlights how bad the Republicans are screwing things up - make them pay the poltiical price for what they do.
No more political rants from me today.
When we lost the election, we lost the Court.
Which means we're likely to lose control over our own bodies.
I may just barf.
For the last couple of years, they've only been guilty of bad taste.
Ginger! how can you say that? don't you love the fake down-home shit?
When I was in NC, at a freaky liberal quaker school, Cracker Barrel was the devil. But so were a lot of things. Gotta love the liberal south. That said, I don't know what they are like now. I know Denny's was a bunch of assholes at some point, but they seem to have fixed that. Considering where I grew up, Dennys was THE breakfast/hangover place and had they been assholes there...well, it would have been assholes of a different sort than found elsewhere.
I think that's my criteria for avoidance/slander: assholes.
Holding my breath at the SC thing. All I can do. Kinda scary. Been around and around on one main issue and... well, that's for me and mine. And my friends. And... Urhg.
Re: phony down home food - must admit, I liked the Black-Eyed Pea when I was in Texas. My guilty secret revealed.
When we talked of salads, I wanted a salad. Now I want a full country breakfast with stuffed french toast. You people are evil, I tell ya.
Also? I love seeing a kid overcome fear into love. Miss Louise knocked on the door to return some money borrowed. Of course, she called her great grandkids, cause they LOVE Mister Kitty. But a couple of their relations are staying as well (to report on Miss Louise, I'm sure) and one of them was a wee 10 or 11 year old Tyrone. He was afraid of the cat at first. Tenative and distant. Next thing I know, he's carrying him like a baby, asking if he can't PLEASE come visit. It was a kid lighting up to something new. It was so beautiful (and not just cause I love cats.) It's the coming alive to a new thing. The awe at something lovey. That something so simple could be so addicting. He wanted to know about all my other cats and was sorely disappointed when I couldn't retrieve Miss Devi from behind the couch.
When I visit my mom's students, I always bring my sexy-space-fu and it gets the same reaction. The same reaction also comes from my mom's pictures of where her kids live, and where they have been (to a population rarely gone beyond an hour for necessity.) And it bowls me over, every time.
So. My challenge, to those not already working with kids of limited horizons and means, and even those with both means and horizons: bring something new to some kid. A new animal, a new picture, a new idea. A new dream. Send money, send freebies from work, something.
Because, really, there's nothing like a kid grasping something new.
and now I'm all embarrassed for being so WHATEVER.
Actually, evevn for those us working with those kids, one of the best things to bring is your own geeky enthusiasm for something.
Yup. I just didn't want to diminish what you already do, because I know what you do, thanks to my mom (well, and your descriptions!) She hauls me, my brother and my dad before her current reading students (her current position is reading tutor/supervisor. Before that, it was everything from headstart to 2dnd ) on top of spilling out her library and time and love of literature.
And with that, I think I go to bed. I'm just in a mood. Plus, I just saw a rerun of NOVA mars thing. And Adam Something is pretty!
Kids, pretty guys, my kind of geekery. MOOD.