Ow. (You obvioulsy exemplify the adage, "Living well is the best revenge.")
Thanks folks, but this is all long since gone and has been worked out. My folks are very proud of what I do and that I've built myself a successful career. At one point a few years ago when I was really having financial problems and was ready to just take a job managing a Staples or something it was my father who stepped in and insisted that I stick with it and put his money on the line to support me through the lean times.
My mother and father honestly had no idea what it meant to be going into the field I had chosen and reacted out of fear. They wanted me to be comfortable and just saw how much risk was involved.
Mom's comment was borne out of that place where she just couldn't believe that someone with that kind of talent/fame is ever anyone you know. People like stars and artists exist in a totally separate universe for her, and since we weren't in that universe it only followed that I shouldn't be doing that. Don't get me wrong, what she said hurt a lot, and it hurt for a long time, but we've long since worked that out.
Askye, that is smart. She could send them coffee from here: [link]
{{Aimee}} cowhole sucks. Plus what everyone else said.
When I told my mom in undergrad that I was going to be just a theatre major and drop my other majors her response was, "But why would you do that, theatre is what talented people do."
Okay, now I want to whack ND's mother about the head and shoulders. While I'm at it, I want to explain to Destination Wedding person the ecological impact of having a bunch of people fly to Costa Rica. I've generally had the impression that Destination Wedding is shorthand for "inconveniencing as many people as possible."
Beautiful awareness ND. Good on ya. And bless them for growing too.
Well, she has to pay for her airfare.
t makes gaging motion
My poor future- SIL has already started stressing a bit about wedding planning. Some of her distant relatives she doesn't like (they are mean to her Mom) are trying to invite themselves to the wedding. Her sister is trying to convince her to have it at a family farm.
My brother's joked that they'll make a website with a Wedding Stress o Meter with a red zone. As soon as the meter hits the red zone they'll elope. All guests and family members will be encouraged to check the Stressometer to see how close they are to causing an elopment.
At least I think he was joking.
She's probably just using frequent flier miles.
Well, she has to pay for her airfare.
I'm still boggling at this. She "hosts" a party that other people have to pay for while SHE PAYS NOTHING? Do the other unfortunate party-invitees know this?
At least I think he was joking.
Wedding gift -- visit to your place. Call courthouse, schedule appointment with judge. Couple marries at courthouse.
Of course, this doesn't work if couple lives locally.
I'm still boggling at this. She "hosts" a party that other people have to pay for while SHE PAYS NOTHING? Do the other unfortunate party-invitees know this?
I doubt it. With the exception of 2 other invitees (the tenants I sopke of earlier), everyone else is in the "well off" category and probably wouldn't care.
I figure, this is better than the "Spa Trip" it was supposed to be where everyone paid for their own treatments.