Comparing Mansquito to SciFi cable series(es) is like comparing the Tori Spelling M.O.W. on NBC to Medium.
Sci Fi has
live action series. Three hours. Today's schedule looks like 8 hours of Roswell, one of Twilight Zone, two of X-Files, one of Stargate, one of Ripley's Believe It Or Not, and Out Of The Blue, Bermuda Triangle: Startling New Secrets,
for a sum total of 8 hours. BSG is in no way representative of the channel. It's the exception.
bon, you're telling me that an actor or a writer wouldn't rather be on HBO or NBC than Spike or Sci Fi? That doesn't jibe with discussions I've had. Getting paid is always good, but there was a point where cable series weren't as highly regarded as they are now--now it's a matter of breaking out and evening the playing field even further.
bon, you're telling me that an actor or a writer wouldn't rather be on HBO or NBC than Spike or Sci Fi? That doesn't jibe with discussions I've had. Getting paid is always good, but there was a point where cable series weren't as highly regarded as they are now--now it's a matter of breaking out and evening the playing field even further.
I don't deny there's a preference; everyone wants to be on the next Friends. But I'm not positive there's actually a
to getting a show on certain nets.
I'm not positive there's actually a stigma to getting a show on certain nets.
Stigma's your word, not mine. I said "limited cachet" and I stand by that--NBC or HBO have more than Spike TV, and will for a while, even if they're not actually earning it (NBC has some coasting left in it, I suspect).
Largo, I was questioning the implication that network heads only cancel shows that they personally think are bad. Well, and also the idea that quality is some kind of objective, obvious thing that everyone agrees on. I think F&G got cancelled because it got lousy ratings. Which might well be a shame, but... that's how TV works.
Ancier was head of programming at the WB when they developed Buffy. And Felicity, and Dawson's Creek. Like it or not, DC was was a hit for the network and got a lot of good press. Before that he was at Fox, and gave the go-ahead for the first 13 episodes of The Simpsons. Etcetera. If he's an idiot, he's remarkably lucky.
And yeah, I don't see broadcast vs. cable prestige that being a huge factor. It's not like the networks go door to door, begging for scripts, while EPs and writers say, "No, sorry, you're not cool enough to give me money."
I stand corrected. About a lot of things.
ETA: Definitely, in the future, I'll know to think before I, post.
I hate it when Strega makes sense and lets the air out of my unrighteous indigination.
A troubled teensquito discovers dark secrets....
Won't someone think of the larvae?
A troubled teensquito discovers dark secrets....
...when he sticks his proboscis where he shouldn't.
I like to believe that if I babble enough, sometimes I'll make sense accidentally. But if it helps offset things, I can explain how the Mario Bros. games were commie propaganda.
What were you indignant about?
Oh, I wanna hear the Mario/commie thing.