I think we've talked once in three weeks. It's starting to feel like I'm missing a limb. Or possibly part of my brain.
Also what's up with the hiding cats? My own former cat hid on me for most of the two weeks I was in NY. In kinda related to cat hiding news, I think I should leave a message for Polgara, too.
Dear Polgara,
The baked treats were yummy! You should come home and make more of those little bite-sized things with the chewy centers!
Hugs and kisses,
No, I don't just love you for your baking skills gurl
Dear Polgara,
Jack loves us. Trouble loves to get us to feed her. But Jack is a big bucket of cute kitty love.
we are sad to not see your pretty while on this coast, but will somehow carry on...maybe.
Okay, that's just not right. 9 times out of 10, Jack hides on me.
I was sad that I didn't get to see you. Or anyone not a blood relation, really. I am considering litigation against the Transit Workers Union, as well as the jackhole who infected me with the PLAGUE on the plane.
Kristen, jack just loves us more. Maybe he's afraid of red hair?
Or maybe it's because we're all "JACK JACK JACK JACK JACK" and he tries to figure out what the fuss is about?
But he does love on us.
Did you try throwing a ham at him?
There were no pork products. He's just a love bucket.