Okay, that's just not right. 9 times out of 10, Jack hides on me.
I was sad that I didn't get to see you. Or anyone not a blood relation, really. I am considering litigation against the Transit Workers Union, as well as the jackhole who infected me with the PLAGUE on the plane.
Kristen, jack just loves us more. Maybe he's afraid of red hair?
Or maybe it's because we're all "JACK JACK JACK JACK JACK" and he tries to figure out what the fuss is about?
But he does love on us.
Did you try throwing a ham at him?
There were no pork products. He's just a love bucket.
Jack likes to be held and cuddled. It's so odd. Trouble is just the same as ever.
I get home on Sunday, and am possibly going to bang in sick on Monday if I suffer the same massive 10 hour delay in getting home that I got getting here. Because sleep deprived secretary means murdered physicists.
My parents don't have AIM because my dad has a popup blocker on this computer that means no AIM express.
I just spent an hour defragging this piece o' crap and it still runs like ass.
Kat, you can leave all the keys at my place. I'm so worried about Ruby being terribly lonely! I'm so ready to get back to LA. So ready.
I miss you guys, I do.
This is much the same as people who tell me that Kuma or Bear act a certain way when we aren't here. It's hard to conceive and yet true.
Okay! we'll leave all the keys at your place because I'm worried about Polgara and her getting into her place without her keys.