Fredrik, The Inside's over. Overover.
But I should add, though, a big congrats to Rachel. From the description in the article, it looks like a fairly big role, and she most certainly deserves it. I'm really glad for her.
But I'm still going to be angry with FOX for ending The Inside (lalalaIcan'thearme). And Alias for being a crappy show. Would have much prefered seeing Rachel on a good show. Especially since I'll probobly gonna have to watch it now.
First thing we need to do is get rid of Mia Maestro. That'll fix some stuff.
Still don't now about the talent, but as my googling revealed she indeed has mucho Female Sexiness going on. That's going to help when I watch the show. Yes, indeed.
Word to the wise, Fredrik. When the showrunner says it's over, then it's over.
Unless it's Joss. When it's over, he'll say, "make some noise!"
And then there will be a billboard on a truck. And the show will still be over.
Or sometimes we get DVDs and a movie.
Word to the wise, Fredrik. When the showrunner says it's over, then it's over.
Well, I may be wise (Nicklas, you shuddup!), but I do also have a reputation for being naive.
Besides, living an illusion is so much nicer than reality.
Besides, living an illusion is so much nicer than reality.
Preach it, Brother!
Signed, Still hasn't watched all three of the unaired Firefly eps - 'cuz as long as I haven't seen them, it ain't over.
Shoot. I was really starting to like Rachel and was hoping she'd end up on another show that I actually like. Oh well, I wish her and the rest of the Inside's cast and crew all the best in their future efforts.
Mucho congrats to Rachel.
I actually walked past somebody in Liverpool who looked JUST LIKE her. I actually took a double take and had to walk back towards her and check. Oh yeah. Whoever it was thought I was craz-ey.
Yesterday we were out to lunch with a friend talking about television. She said, "Have you seen the Insider?" I said, "Do you mean The Inside?" And she said, "Yeah! I LOVE that show."
I had to break the news to her. At least she wasn't someone I told to watch so I don't have that guilt hanging on me.
Alias brings me great pain. JG annoys the crap outta me. the only saving grace is SpyDaddy and SpyMommy.
maybe RN will be another...