those two things are not mutually exclusive ita.
Of course they are! Gigantic == too big. It's very simple.
You had flings with basketball players, didn't you?
What Kevin would say to you now is "Are you gay just because you live in San Francisco?"
Or something like. No baller he.
As for the basketball player, it didn't quite make it to fling status.
you are just reading things as judgemental when they aren't.
all basketball players are belong to me.
all basketball players are belong to me.
Shaq? Rick Fox? Dennis Rodman?
Besides, I mean that 6'6 isn't
tall. Manute Bol is gigantic. Andre the ... well, you get what I mean. 6'6 is just Hey! Tall!
A basketball player tripped over me once. Just because I was nearly two feet shorter than him, you'd think he'd learn to look down.
Rick Fox?
Rick Fox went to my high school. He didn't seem freakishly tall to me.
6'6" is too tall for anyone shorter than say 6 feet.
I didn't realize that Sophie Dahl grew up to be a famous model.
Oh sure. I can't remember who her boyfriend(s) is(was), though -- someone.
You know in general, I get rights to them first. of course, I can refuse.
I have to get on my tiptoes to kiss my BF as it is, and he's 6'2. Taller than that would be...complicated.
6'6" is too tall for anyone shorter than say 6 feet.
I CANNOT believe the outrageously sizest crap being spewed here.
He didn't seem freakishly tall to me.
He's listed at 6'7. Don't know how much of that is real, and how much he achieved when.
6'6" is too tall for anyone shorter than say 6 feet.
Taller than that would be...complicated.
It can be worked out, with sufficient motivation.
I CANNOT believe the outrageously sizest crap being spewed here.
I'm horrified too. I never dreamed this bunch of people would be so ... oh, I can't even talk about it.