The building management announced it.
Oh, this reminds me of a funny. A local Reserves/ROTC training center is across the street. Behind work is a huge ravine/park/woodlands. So, naturally, they use it for training thingies.
Well, they FINALLY figured out it would be wise to notify the local community and businesses after the police fielded a bunch of freaking out calls about people in camo skulking around in the ravine with hugeass guns. The local police knew the exercises were going on so there weren't any disasters but sheesh.
It is sorta funny to look out the window and see them skulking in the bushes. I do have to refrain from calling out "Yooohooo! I seeee you!"
It's very tempting.
Ooh, brand new condo built for you! Very cool. My in-laws current house was bought on a similar deal, and they got to do a little customizing - deciding they wanted a balcony instead of an enclosed sun porch, choosing kitchen cabinets, that sort of thing.
I think we are going get out of town this weekend. If it doesn't turn out to be an evacuation, it'll just be a weekend away. With all our pets and my mother-in-law.
With all our pets and my mother-in-law.
I just flashed on that National Lampoon movie about a family vacation. With grandma tied to the roof.
I'm sorry, sometimes I maybe shouldn't share my brain.
So are all newspeople starting to call this "7/7" or just WNYC?
I'm pretty sure I heard Karie Couric use "Ground Zero London" a few minutes ago.
If ya' need a diversion - Old-school handheld electronic games. I'm sad that the Battlestar Galactica game isn't there.
But I'm still pretty pissed off at anyone who moves so quickly from "terrible thing elsewhere" to "Oh, God, what if it happens HERE?"
Whereas my reaction is "Oh, God, those bombs were really meant for us! We're the ones who got England into this!" Which honestly is just as parochial and self-centered.
You realize, you are going to go INSANE. Happily, but you will.
yeah, I'm probably going to change my route home so that I drive past it.
Just checking in to say I'm so sorry this has happened.
I'm relieved for those whose loved ones have checked in. Continued safe thoughts for those who haven't. For everyone there, really.
Katie Couric needs to not name this. American TV needs to not name this. Did they name the other terrorist attacks on London?
Part of me feels I should be more agitated by this. Hell, a fair portion of that metric buttload of relatives a) live in London b) are of unknown status. But my response is tempered by there not being a damned thing I can do, and the knowledge that millions of Londoners were nowhere near any of the blast sites. I know my immediate family is safe, and that will have to do for now.
Once the dust has settled, I'll look again. In the interim, I'm sure there are plenty of people to pick up the worry slack.