According to ex-mormon Websites (i.e. take with a grain of salt), a common male Mormon courtship technique is to waltz up to the lady and announce that God has given him a leading to marry her. This sometimes works.
Long time ago, but have to comment on this. I know of one case where it did. Friend of mine is a lapsed mormon, his sister was dating this guy she met at church. He told her that God had told him to get married, and if it wasn’t her, it would be someone else. And he did it over EMAIL (I swear). And, before you ask, she married him. Please don’t ask me why.
I was longing yesterday for the day when I'll be in London again, and I'm still longing for it today.
Susan, we can go together.
That sounds like pretty long range planning for house buying - is it being built to your specifications or something?
Well, not to my specifications, but it is being built from scratch.
congrats, Vortex! When do they begin construction?
Soon, if they haven’t already. It’s about 5 blocks from my office, so I’ll probably drive by on my way home to see if they’ve done anything.
So are all newspeople starting to call this "7/7" or just WNYC?
[Eta that I just realized my brother-in-law was in DC on 9/11, in Madrid on 3/11, and is in London now. Remind me never to travel with him.]
The building management announced it. There will probably be hundreds of heavily-armed SWAT officers right out front of our building.
msbelle! I was just about to e-mail you! I picked up your package, and I loved it! The picture frame is perfect (I have to think of a picture for it now!), I can't wait to try each one of the chocolates (and I'm so keeping the wrappings, because of the NYC pictures), the notes are lovely (I know there's a magnet, but I'm still going to attach one already to the present for my cousin's son's brit, next week!), and the bubblewrap inside? totally with a shade of pink.
Thank you! Exclamation points!
you are so welcome. I loved the NYC Kosher chocolates. SO FUN!. Glad you got it. Good to know teh time delay on packages to you, youknow, for future goodies.
so I’ll probably drive by on my way home to see if they’ve done anything.
You realize, you are going to go INSANE. Happily, but you will. Our orginal across-the-street neighbors used to stop by about every day when their house was being built. The guy said (when it was done) it was all he could do to not grab a hammer and try to speed things up. He said he'd never been so interested in watching paint dry in his life.
So are all newspeople starting to call this "7/7" or just WNYC?
Cripes, I hope this doesn't catch on.
I loved the NYC Kosher chocolates. SO FUN!
I didn't even check for a kosher symbol, because I knew I didn't have to. I was too busy looking at the pictures and squeeing "I was there! And there! And there!".
Good to know teh time delay on packages to you, youknow, for future goodies.
The post office claimed that they sent me a first notice on the package, on time. However, I didn't get it - the one I did get was apparently the second notice. So, it was here and time and just sitting in the post office waiting for me for a week, all alone, poor package.