Fireworks are fun. But scary for our animals.
OKAY! I'm trying to make my iTunes be shareable so that any of the 4 computers in the house can play it. I've set the preferences and yet no luck.
I need Kristen right now to fix it for me.
Also, I need an ironing board. and someone to help with the various spills I've had today.
Fireworks are fun. But scary for our animals.
Good thing about having a dumb cat -- people set off firecrackers in the neighborhood, the cat's like "OHMYGOD OHSHIT WHATWASTHAT?!?!!? ...oh hey -- check out my tail. Huh."
I am really tired of being hot.
No, my foaminess doesn't bore me, I'm tired of being bitchslapped by the orb.
I pigged out on ice cream over the weekend, and had a story fall into my lap. Those were the happiest things.
I have an ironing board. What I need is an ironing board cover.
What is this "ironing" you speak of?
Help. Kind neighbor lady with 7 year old too big for baby toys has just brought over approximately every Fisher Price Little People item EVER MADE. My living room is awash (well, MORE awash) in bright plastic. Farm and Circus and Fire Station and Train and... And they TALK. And mr. flea is playing with them too. I'm never getting Eve to bed tonight. I ought to just flee now and let him deal with bedtime.
Had friends over on Friday for barbeque, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Watched six episodes of
The Sopranos,
thanks to the fabulousness of Netflix. I also got awesome new shoes.
Those are some of the happy highlights of my weekend.
Best thing about today? We finally had the carpet shampoo people come, and the stained and depressing rug is now its normal beige self. As a renter, I'm stuck with the tediously dull carpet, but at least it doesn't look embarassingly horrible anymore. Plus we had a coupon, so it was only $100 for the two rooms!
Oh, just wait until after bedtime. At least half of them will magically disappear (into the basement) overnight.
Unfortunately, she seems to like the really noisy one best. Though that could be mr. flea. The Little People talk on the phone to each other. Whatever happened to the goddamned imagination?
My mom likes to tell about the time when my brother, then kindergarten-aged, got a little cannon from my uncle (dad's brother). Dad and said uncle then proceeded to take it outside in the December cold and play with it while my brother (afraid of loud noises) just watched from the window. So much for the cannon being for the kid!