Or any all white clothes.
White, ruffly blouses. Worn with jackets, so I don't have to consider owning a bra that isn't black or blood red.
The closest I have to a white skirt are the various b&w stripey skirts, all of which are in very opaque fabrics.
At this ball/dance thing I went to with Dad there was a woman wearing a white gown. It didn't fit right becuase not only could I tell she was wearing a thong, when she got up and moved past me I could sort of see the outline of the front -- it probably had lace on it.
And then she crossed in front of an open door, back lit, and the dress went transparent.
I am right now wearing white panties under a gauze skirt that is more eggshell than white but still pretty darn light. But I am behind a desk.
My mom taught me to wear beige bras under white shirts, but not as a rule.
My white pants need mending but I love them for being all summery looking. They are also quite opaque.
The closest I have to a white skirt are the various b&w stripey skirts, all of which are in very opaque fabrics.
No, wait, I fibbed. I have four or five white Giant Skirts of Doooom! that were liberated from thrift store wedding dresses. Since they are always worn with petticoats, there is no chance of my underthings being seen.
White, ruffly blouses. Worn with jackets, so I don't have to consider owning a bra that isn't black or blood red.
It's probably redundant to say that to me clothes are more like "some stuff I just put on" than to you, but I'd never step out of the house without all of my layers working. Because I
something'd come up where that jacket just had to be removed.
There are way too many rules. Some I care a lot about (I'm trying to be less fascistic about VPL, for instance) and some, really, I couldn't give a fig for.
However, I've never found the right colour underwear, so it's always "Oh, she's wearing brown/beige/yellow panties!" I figure the simplest choices were a) wear opaque bottoms or b) match the clothes to the undies.
Yeah. I go for the opaque bottoms, myself. My white jeans and white jean shorts are sturdy enough stuff that I probably could wear white panties under them, but I can't make myself do it, any more than I could wear white shoes in the winter. My comments were really only pertaining to white people, because that's all I learned. I am trying to envision the lingerie section of my local stores, and can't imagine anything that would come close to your skin tone.
I've had very dark skinned black friends who've primarily worn black bras (don't know about panties, and only know about the bras from the errant strap here and there) under colored blouses (but probably not white--not that I can remember, anyhow), and it's worked for them. Of course, I've had white friends who've worn black bras under colored blouses, and it totally hasn't worked for them and has made me want to send them back to their rooms.
Hat? I'm obviously missing something...
Putting your hands on your head and yelling Chapeau! as a way of determining who is "it".
Some rules were made to be broken too. VPL can be solved by going commando, also linings are our friends.
White shows dirt way to easily for me to consider it. Too much a pain in the ass.
VPL can be solved by going commando
Visible bras can be solved by not wearing them -- doesn't make it practical, though.