However, I've never found the right colour underwear, so it's always "Oh, she's wearing brown/beige/yellow panties!" I figure the simplest choices were a) wear opaque bottoms or b) match the clothes to the undies.
Yeah. I go for the opaque bottoms, myself. My white jeans and white jean shorts are sturdy enough stuff that I probably could wear white panties under them, but I can't make myself do it, any more than I could wear white shoes in the winter. My comments were really only pertaining to white people, because that's all I learned. I am trying to envision the lingerie section of my local stores, and can't imagine anything that would come close to your skin tone.
I've had very dark skinned black friends who've primarily worn black bras (don't know about panties, and only know about the bras from the errant strap here and there) under colored blouses (but probably not white--not that I can remember, anyhow), and it's worked for them. Of course, I've had white friends who've worn black bras under colored blouses, and it totally hasn't worked for them and has made me want to send them back to their rooms.
Hat? I'm obviously missing something...
Putting your hands on your head and yelling Chapeau! as a way of determining who is "it".
Some rules were made to be broken too. VPL can be solved by going commando, also linings are our friends.
White shows dirt way to easily for me to consider it. Too much a pain in the ass.
VPL can be solved by going commando
Visible bras can be solved by not wearing them -- doesn't make it practical, though.
I avoid white like the plague. It makes me look like a bleached Oompa-Loompa. "Black = slimming" is my mantra.
ION that should surprise no one, I am an idiot. I forgot to pay the credit card bill online before 3 pm, so now I have to do it over the phone and pay a $10 surcharge. It's the principle of the thing.
I honestly don't worry about the panty lines, themselves, which I know is a no-no, but I just don't. I wear undies that are comfortable, and don't crawl. If I'm wearing a dress or skirt, I try to avoid VPL, and hose usually smooth them enough for me that it works (and slips come in handy, too) but don't worry about it, when I'm wearing pants. I don't try to have VPL, but I don't worry about it.
I am so ready for this trendy of gauzy clothing to end.
Me too. I met a woman the other day who was wearing an unlined tan linen skirt, and a black thong. I was just dying to tell her to go fetch herself a slip.
The cluelessness of the clotheswearing public is mindboggling.
I've learned to forgive most instances of VPL -- the body does what it does, and sometimes you just can't help it -- but All Panty Visible is a bit much, you know?
I think the effects of my not wearing a bra are much worse than not wearing underwear or wearing a bra that shows through. That being said, I don't wear a whole lot of white, mostly because I'm so freaking clumsy that it never stays white, and I look messy.
I have become all enamored of bleach and added quite a bit of white to my wardrobe. Even though I am not as tan as I used to be, I think it's a good color on me.
And yet, black shoes every day.