how can anyone answer "no" to such an offer? Thank you!
Just send your address to my profile address...I'm remembering that I still haven't sent a cd our Belgian friend who was one of our very early supporters. This week shall have an International Mail day, for sure.
lisa, insent.
Now we just have to work on getting that screening for you.
Well, there are still several UnUnAmericans who didn't get to watch, IIRC (there were no preview screenings in LA and NYC, right?).
There's still no Israeli release date that I know of, but I'm not losing hope. I mean, I'm pretty sure I will get to watch it, eventually, but I would really like the first time to be on a big screen, with darkness all around, like a moie is supposed to be watched, you know?
Chris Martin of Coldplay: Live 8 was "the greatest thing that's ever been organized, probably, in the history of the world."
I was finally early for work, for the first time at this new job, thanks to a combination of oversleeping (so didn't wash hair) and not having any food in the house (so had breakfast on the train/in the office). Of course, I got here and there was no internet all morning. It did mean that I got some Actual Work done, but still!
The storm isn't looking too bad so far, Dana. There may be up to 6" of rain, but that's the worst case scenario I've heard.
Good news. I won't worry too much about my grandparents, then. Or you.
t not really here
there was no internet all morning.
You too, Jesse? Ours just came back an hour ago.
sarameg, I hope it all works out for you.
Nilly! I have a picture to email you tonight when I get home. It's the one you asked for last century. I guess you'll just have to come back and kick my butt. (Hey, if it gets you in the U.S. again, I'll take it).
t /not really here
Come back, people!
I didn't know Natter could be killed by people who aren't even here. I promise I'll stay gone....
I was off pretending like I was back to work after lunch....
Come back, people!
Hey Maria! Emmett's loving Tournament baseball. Emmett's parents are less enamored about driving to the burbs every weekend. But he's playing so many more games he's developing at a very rapid pace.
For instance, they've got him playing SS and 2B a lot on the Tournament team which he didn't do much in Double-A (he pitched and caught mostly, so that took up his allotted infield time). So his fielding has gotten much, much better. To the point where he made a play last weekend that caused his coach to go "Whoa!"