Come back, people!
Hey Maria! Emmett's loving Tournament baseball. Emmett's parents are less enamored about driving to the burbs every weekend. But he's playing so many more games he's developing at a very rapid pace.
For instance, they've got him playing SS and 2B a lot on the Tournament team which he didn't do much in Double-A (he pitched and caught mostly, so that took up his allotted infield time). So his fielding has gotten much, much better. To the point where he made a play last weekend that caused his coach to go "Whoa!"
I was just testing out a site, trying to break stuff and find problems. I love that part.
OH! lunch. I should do that.
I've been catching up on the last three weeks of Movies. It's terribly absorbing. I should really stop and eat lunch.
pretending like I was back to work after lunch....
I haven't even had lunch, yet I was doing the same thing.
David, that is just fabulous! I know the travel is a pain, but it's worth it in the end. You can't beat the player development, and it sounds like Emmett's already reaping the benefits.
Did you remember to sign up for the hotel frequent guest programs? DF and I have accumulated enough points (just from hockey trips) with several different hotel chains to cover a weekend getaway.
OH! lunch. I should do that.
Me too. And felicitations on the new job!
I am in the office all week. It's the first time since the middle of May that's happened. No more travel for at least a month, barring any unexpected crises. Woo hoo. (I'd put an exclamation point on that but I'm too tired. Entropy sounds wonderful right now.)
Really cool clock: [link]
That is cool, amy. This is the one I look at, when I need to feel like someone else is more anxious than I ever thought of being: [link]
Maria! Long time, no post. How are you? How is DF? How is world's prettiest wedding gown? How are you plans coming along?
Really cool clock: [link]
That is awesome.
I wish there were a way to have it on my desktop.
I wish there were a way to have it on my desktop.
There is: [link]
edit: Or maybe not. There ought to be some way to get it.
amych, very cool!
I'm good, Cindy. Sick and tired of airplanes and hotel rooms, but still in one piece. DF is working his normal ridiculous hours, and managed to give us a scare the day before Father's Day that required a late-night trip to the ER. Thank heaven it was nothing serious--a combination of mild food poisoning, stress and overexertion. Scared the crap outta me, though. He's a whiny little boy when it comes to a cold, but when it's serious pain, he doesn't say a word, so when he said, "Take me to the hospital," I about had a stroke.
The world's prettiest wedding gown still hasn't arrived yet; then again it's not supposed to until mid-August. The bridesmaids' dresses arrived on Friday, a month early! My invitations should arrive on Thursday, and I have to pry addresses out of my parents' hands. I still need shoes, a veil, and a bustier, but for the most part the major plans are moving along. It's the small stuff that's going to kill me.
I heart both of those clocks.
Oh, my bridesmaid's dress for September apparently came in, too -- I need to call the store to give them my address.