It will indeed grow back, Fred. In the meantime, if his sister's still hissing, run your hands through their dry food and pet him, then do it again and pet his sister. This will make them both smell familiar and associated with something pleasant, although not actually foodlike in themselves.
Er, if they eat only wet food, I got nothin'.
Jesse, it's late in the season, but someone in the H&G department at HD should be able to help you. Ask the other H&G people who you should talk to. Usually there's someone working in that department because they know their stuff. The rest are just there on rotation or something.
Hee. Thanks guys. I do get a little lyrical about the herbs. But the reward on a hot summer day of a bouquet of herbal scents is payment for watering and picking up dead leaves and spent flowers. One nice thing about pot gardening is the lack of weeding. We do have a pot of mixed pink petunias and three hibiscus: double apricot, single red and single red-throated yellow for color. But I love the scents, myself.
Okay, time to go be anniversary-ish.
Er, if they eat only wet food, I got nothin'.
Similar trick, actually. If they only eat wet food, brew up some catnip tea (just catnip and hot water -- nothing fancy), let it cool, and then mist Max with it.
amych! Married lady! Never see you anymore, to post with, I mean. How's things?
Usually there's someone working in that department because they know their stuff.
I'm not entirely confident this will be the case at my local HD, but if I can get my ass off the sofa, maybe I will take a walk up there.
Happy birthday, sj!!
Happy anniversary, Beverly & DH!
Happy belated, Frankenbuddha!!
amych! Married lady! Never see you anymore, to post with, I mean. How's things?
Mwah! I know! Things are good, except for possible living-sitch upheaval (landlady sold the house, new guy wants to raise rent, but we don't yet know by how much, so we'll consider his proposal but are also looking for a new place; all shit to hit fan the week of the wedding par-TAY and honeymoon. Because I brought this on by saying "after we get married, we'll get a chance to relax....")
Happy anniVERsary, btw!
Happy anniVERsary
Hee! And foo and darn on living sitch. But, hey, there's only the parTAY to look forward to, rather than the whole wedding thing. Speaking ONLY for myself, I've never once regretted eloping, rather than trying to organize a wedding. Neither of us deals well with Other Humans. One or both of us would probably have gone feral had we attempted to herd our families into proximity and shutting up for 15 minutes to witness our vows.
So, you know, Eloping, yay!
And also, belated Happy Birthday wishes to Frankenbuddha
from the website linked to before
Do you sometimes wake up in the morning and think, "Blast, my fridge doesn't look like a cow"? Well, we know where you're coming from. After all, how can you expect to keep milk fresh in a fridge that doesn't look like a cow (albeit a cow that appears to have swallowed a very large safe)?
It might be time to put on clothes
If I went into Home Depot, would they be able to tell me what I need for a window box?
Very late in answering, but yes.
Does a fake British accent make wares more attractive in infomercials?