Also, the various "Dutch" phrases, like Dutch treat and going Dutch, are based on a stereotype of the Dutch along the same lines as "Indian summer".
It's funny; I do know, thinking about it, that "packie" and the slur sound just the same, but with the first I can hear the Boston accent in it so that it becomes a totally different-sounding word.
Sort of like the time I complained about a friend repeatedly calling another friend Eileen when her name is actually Aileen.
(Comma splice!)
I have never heard "Jew you down" or "mighty white of you" outside of this board.
I've only heard the first very rarely, and the second never. Phrases like these are quite often very regionally specific.
Um, yeah, note the banner ad at the top of that page.
Oh good LORD. I take it all back!!! No one click that link!!
In college, we always called the liquor store the "packie" short for package store, and I got scared for a second that I was saying something I didn't know I was saying.
Oh good LORD. I take it all back!!! No one click that link!!
Denial: It's Not Just For the Holocaust Anymore.
Java cat is the sweetest! Hugs and thanks to you, friend :)
The only place I ever heard "Pope's Nose" was on the Super Catholic side of the family, I doubt they considered it offensive.
I always figured it meant that the thing looked like an old man's nose and the Pope was the old man of choice (particularly since that bit of bird was beloved).
How is "Indian Summer" offensive?
I've used "that's mighty white of you" sarcastically. I can't imagine using it any other way. It's reserved for people who make a big deal of making it seem like they're doing you a favor by giving you something you were already supposed to get anyway.
Tonight I went to Bar Pitti to celebrate, which is next to notorious celebrity site Da Silvano. Ridiculous amounts of loafing paparazzi for what turned out to be, from what we could tell, Tim Curry, Billy Joel and Thalia.
And I didn't make out with any of them.